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Do not neglect injury severity and burden when assessing the effect of sports injury prevention interventions: time to paint the whole picture
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-05 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108215
Evert Verhagen 1 , Ben Clarsen 2, 3 , Larisa van der Graaff 4 , Roald Bahr 2, 5

The outcomes typically reported from injury prevention trials are incidence rates. In this editorial, we show that this approach only paints part of a bigger picture and could even lead to misinterpretations. We argue that injury severity and injury burden should be presented in conjunction with incidence to provide a more complete assessment of the effectiveness of sports injury prevention interventions. Sports participation carries an inherent risk of injury, and anticipating every athlete may sustain several injuries during their career is reasonable. No preventive measure or programme has ever been, or will ever be, 100% effective. As a result, rather than eradicating injuries, the focus should be on reducing risks to an acceptable level. To prioritise our efforts, we must first identify which risks are unacceptable.1 2 Risk management principles have previously been discussed in the context of sports.1 3 A risk management approach adopts a broad set of mitigation measures that can reduce the number and severity of injuries.1 The International Olympic Committee, among others, has encouraged the use of risk management principles in the consensus on the recording and reporting of injury and illness in sports.4 These recommendations emphasise that choices for preventive foci should not be based solely on the incidence of injury but should also consider their severity in terms of days lost from sports. This is not to say that the severity of an injury can be defined by time loss alone. Where injury incidence is universally regarded as the number of events observed for some time spent in the population, no equivalent characterisation is available for severity. Severity is a latent measure involving many factors, such as the nature and diagnosis of an injury and limitations to sport-specific functional capacity. Among these, time loss resulting from an injury is an …



伤害预防试验通常报告的结果是发病率。在这篇社论中,我们表明这种方法只能描绘更大图景的一部分,甚至可能导致误解。我们认为,损伤严重程度和损伤负担应与发生率结合起来,以便对运动损伤预防干预措施的有效性提供更完整的评估。参与体育运动存在固有的受伤风险,并且预计每个运动员在其职业生涯中可能会遭受多次伤害是合理的。没有任何预防措施或计划曾经或将来是 100% 有效的。因此,重点不是消除伤害,而是将风险降低到可接受的水平。为了优先考虑我们的工作,我们必须首先确定哪些风险是不可接受的。1 2 风险管理原则之前已在体育背景下讨论过。1 3 风险管理方法采用一系列广泛的缓解措施,可以减少风险的数量和严重性。 1 国际奥林匹克委员会等机构鼓励在记录和报告体育运动中受伤和疾病的共识中使用风险管理原则。4 这些建议强调,预防性焦点的选择不应仅仅基于伤害的发生率,但还应考虑其严重程度(即因运动损失的天数)。这并不是说伤害的严重程度可以仅通过时间损失来定义。伤害发生率普遍被认为是在人群中观察到的一段时间内发生的事件数量,但对于严重程度没有同等的描述。 严重程度是一个潜在的衡量标准,涉及许多因素,例如损伤的性质和诊断以及特定运动功能能力的限制。其中,因受伤而造成的时间损失是……