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Erratum to: The physiological basis for estimating photosynthesis from Chla fluorescence
New Phytologist ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-06 , DOI: 10.1111/nph.19932

New Phytologist 234(2022), 1206–1219, doi: 10.1111/nph.18045.

Since its publication, the authors of Han et al. (2022) have identified an error in their article. A typographical error was introduced during production into the final equation in the subsection ‘Measurements of concurrent leaf gas exchanges and ChIF parameters with pulse amplitude modulation’. The term ‘Fm’ was mistakenly substituted for ‘Fo’ in the equation marked ‘NPQ’. The corrected equation is given below.

We apologize to our readers for this error.

Corrected equation given in the ‘Measurements of concurrent leaf gas exchanges and ChIF parameters with pulse amplitude modulation’ subsection (pp. 1209):

These measured ChlF parameters were in turn used to calculate ΦPSIImax , the minimum ChlF under light (, Oxborough & Baker, 1997), qL , NPQ , ΦF (Eqn 4), and SIFPSII (Eqn 3).



New Phytologist 234(2022), 1206–1219, doi: 10.1111/nph.18045.

自出版以来,Han等人的作者。 ( 2022 ) 在他们的文章中发现了一个错误。在生产过程中,在“使用脉冲幅度调制测量并发叶气体交换和 ChIF 参数”小节的最终方程中引入了印刷错误。在标记为“NPQ”的方程中,术语“ F ' m ”被错误地替换为“ F ' o ”。修正后的方程如下。


“使用脉冲幅度调制测量并发叶气体交换和 ChIF 参数”小节(第 1209 页)中给出的更正方程:

这些测得的 ChlF 参数依次用于计算 Φ PSIImax , 光照下的最小 ChlF ( ,Oxborough & Baker, 1997 ), q L , NPQ 、Φ F (方程 4)和 SIF PSII (方程 3)。
