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Dose-response of inactivated yeast in diets of late gestating and lactating gilts on immunoglobulin transfer and offspring pre-weaning growth performance
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-06 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skae177
Brenda Christensen 1 , Hagen Schulze 2 , Elijah G Kiarie 1 , Lee-Anne Huber 1

Fifty gilts [initial BW 190.7 ± 4.2 kg] were recruited on d 85 of gestation and were used until d 19 of lactation to assess the dose-response of inactivated yeast via hydrolyzation (HY) inclusion on offspring growth and immunoglobulin (Ig) transfer prior to weaning. Gilts were assigned to one of five experimental diets: a control with no HY (HY0) or inclusion of 0.25% (HY0.25), 0.5% (HY0.5), 1.0% (HY1.0) or 1.2% (HY1.2) HY. Gilts were weighed on d 85 and 110 of gestation and d 1 and 19 (weaning) after farrowing. Offspring were weighed on d 1 and 19 of age. On lactation d 1 (approx. 24 h after farrowing), colostrum, gilt plasma, and plasma from two median body weight (BW) piglets were collected and on d 19, plasma from each gilt and two median BW piglets per litter were collected for determination of Ig concentrations. Contrast statements were used to assess linear, quadratic cubic, and quartic effects of HY inclusion. The inclusion of HY had minimal effects on gilt BW or litter characteristics at birth (total number born and born alive, piglet birth weight). Lactation average daily feed intake of the gilts tended to increase then decrease with increasing HY inclusion (quadratic; P = 0.085). Piglet pre-weaning average daily gain (linear, quadratic, and quartic; P < 0.05) and BW at weaning (quadratic and quartic; P < 0.05) increased then decreased with increasing HY inclusion. On lactation d 1, colostrum and gilt plasma Ig concentrations were not affected by dietary treatment (P > 0.10) but piglet IgA and IgM decreased then increased with HY inclusion level (cubic; P < 0.05). On lactation d 19, piglet plasma IgG tended to increase with HY inclusion (linear; P = 0.099). In summary, increasing HY inclusion in late gestating and lactating gilt diets improved immune transfer in the first 24 h after birth and piglet pre-weaning growth rates and body weight at weaning. Therefore, maternal feeding of HY could be used as a strategy to improve offspring immunocompetence and BW at weaning, with possible carry-over benefits for the post-weaning phase.



在妊娠第 85 天招募 50 头后备母猪 [初始体重 190.7 ± 4.2 kg],并一直使用到哺乳期第 19 天,通过水解 (HY) 纳入来评估灭活酵母对后代生长和免疫球蛋白 (Ig) 转移的剂量反应。到断奶。后备母猪被分配到五种实验日粮中的一种:不含 HY (HY0) 或添加 0.25% (HY0.25)、0.5% (HY0.5)、1.0% (HY1.0) 或 1.2% (HY1.0) 的对照。 2)嘿。在妊娠第 85 天和第 110 天以及产仔后第 1 天和第 19 天(断奶)对后备母猪进行称重。后代在第1天和第19天称重。在哺乳第 1 天(产仔后约 24 小时),收集初乳、后备母猪血浆和来自两只中位体重 (BW) 仔猪的血浆,并在第 19 天,收集来自每只后备母猪和每窝两只中位体重 (BW) 仔猪的血浆Ig 浓度的测定。对比陈述用于评估 HY 包含的线性、二次三次和四次效应。 HY 的加入对后备母猪体重或出生仔猪特征(出生仔猪总数和活产仔猪出生体重)影响极小。随着 HY 含量的增加,后备母猪的哺乳期平均日采食量呈先增加后减少的趋势(二次;P = 0.085)。随着 HY 含量的增加,仔猪断奶前平均日增重(线性、二次和四次;P < 0.05)和断奶时体重(二次和四次;P < 0.05)先增加后减少。在哺乳期第 1 天,初乳和后备母猪血浆 Ig 浓度不受日粮处理的影响 (P > 0.10),但仔猪 IgA 和 IgM 随着 HY 包含水平的增加先降低后升高(立方;P < 0.05)。在哺乳期第 19 天,仔猪血浆 IgG 倾向于随着 HY 的添加而增加(线性;P = 0.099)。 总之,在妊娠晚期和哺乳期后备母猪日粮中增加 HY 含量可改善出生后 24 小时内的免疫转移以及仔猪断奶前的生长速度和断奶时的体重。因此,母体喂养 HY 可以作为提高后代断奶时免疫能力和体重的策略,并可能为断奶后阶段带来好处。