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Carbon emissions from inland waters may be underestimated: Evidence from European river networks fragmented by drying
Limnology and Oceanography Letters ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-05 , DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10408
Naiara López‐Rojo 1, 2 , Thibault Datry 2 , Francisco J. Peñas 3 , Gabriel Singer 4 , Nicolas Lamouroux 2 , José Barquín 3 , Amaia A. Rodeles 3 , Teresa Silverthorn 2 , Romain Sarremejane 2, 5 , Rubén del Campo 4 , Edurne Estévez 4 , Louise Mimeau 2 , Frédéric Boyer 1 , Annika Künne 6 , Martin Dalvai Ragnoli 4 , Arnaud Foulquier 1

River networks contribute disproportionately to the global carbon cycle. However, global estimates of carbon emissions from inland waters are based on perennial rivers, even though more than half of the world's river length is prone to drying. We quantified CO2 and CH4 emissions from flowing water and dry riverbeds across six European drying river networks (DRNs, 120 reaches) and three seasons and identified drivers of emissions using local and regional variables. Drivers of emissions from flowing water differed between perennial and non‐perennial reaches, both CO2 and CH4 emissions were controlled partly by the annual drying severity, reflecting a drying legacy effect. Upscaled CO2 emissions for the six DRNs at the annual scale revealed that dry riverbeds contributed up to 77% of the annual emissions, calling for an urgent need to include non‐perennial rivers in global estimates of greenhouse gas emissions.



河流网络对全球碳循环的贡献不成比例。然而,全球对内陆水域碳排放的估计是基于常年河流,尽管世界上一半以上的河流容易干涸。我们量化了六个欧洲干河网络(DRN,120 个河段)和三个季节的流水和干河床的二氧化碳和甲烷排放量,并使用当地和区域变量确定了排放驱动因素。常年河段和非常年河段流水排放的驱动因素不同,二氧化碳和甲烷排放量部分受到年度干燥严重程度的控制,反映了干燥遗留效应。六个 DRN 年度二氧化碳排放量的扩大显示,干涸河床占年度排放量的 77%,迫切需要将非常年河流纳入全球温室气体排放估算中。