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Charge transport dynamics and emission response in quantum-dot light-emitting diodes for next-generation high-speed displays
Materials Today Physics ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mtphys.2024.101492
Jeong-Wan Jo , Yoonwoo Kim , Bo Hou , Sung-Min Jung , Jong Min Kim

Inorganic quantum-dot light-emitting diodes (QD-LEDs) have gained significant attention as optoelectronic devices for next-generation display systems due to their superior colour properties. A comprehensive understanding of the charge transport dynamics and transient emission responses of the QD-LED is crucial to achieving high motion picture quality next-generation QD-LED display systems. In this study, we investigated the transient emission response of QD-LED devices through an advanced charge transport simulation model tailored to the quantum-dots (QDs). The dynamic response of the QD-LED devices is evaluated using the time-resolved electroluminescence measurement method for both cadmium-based and cadmium-free red, green, and blue QD-LEDs. The QD-LED devices exhibit notable emission drops during pulse voltage application. The charge transport simulation quantitatively reveals that the on and off switching speeds and the emission drops are intricately influenced by the electron and hole injection balance and a combination of carrier recombination factors within the QD layer. The charge transport simulation also shows that space-charge accumulation, due to the combined effects of charge imbalance and Auger recombination, quantitatively explains a potential device degradation mechanism. Therefore, the QD-specified charge transport model provides a crucial approach in designing and optimizing QD-LED devices for next-generation high-speed QD-LED displays with ultimate colour quality and long lifetimes.



无机量子点发光二极管(QD-LED)由于其卓越的色彩特性,作为下一代显示系统的光电器件而受到广泛关注。全面了解 QD-LED 的电荷传输动态和瞬态发射响应对于实现高动态图像质量的下一代 QD-LED 显示系统至关重要。在这项研究中,我们通过针对量子点 (QD) 定制的先进电荷传输模拟模型研究了 QD-LED 器件的瞬态发射响应。 QD-LED 器件的动态响应使用镉基和无镉红、绿、蓝 QD-LED 的时间分辨电致发光测量方法进行评估。 QD-LED 器件在施加脉冲电压期间表现出显着的发射下降。电荷传输模拟定量地揭示了开关速度和发射下降受到电子和空穴注入平衡以及 QD 层内载流子复合因素组合的复杂影响。电荷传输模拟还表明,由于电荷不平衡和俄歇复合的综合影响,空间电荷积累定量地解释了潜在的器件退化机制。因此,QD 指定的电荷传输模型为设计和优化 QD-LED 器件提供了关键方法,以实现具有终极色彩质量和长寿命的下一代高速 QD-LED 显示器。