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SPRISS: Scalable and precise resistive impact sensor for smallsats, architecture description and tests
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.06.033
Samuele Enzo , Giacomo Battaglia , Federico Basana , Francesca Filippini , Monica Mozzato , Federico Marin , Luca Lion , Lorenzo Olivieri , Carlo Bettanini , Alessandro Francesconi

Space debris are a tangible risk for satellites in Earth orbits. Indeed, in the last decades fragmentation events have generated a large number of uncontrolled objects that have made the debris population grow. Modelling the space debris environment is becoming a fundamental task to evaluate the vulnerability of operational satellites, the probability of accidental collisions with uncontrolled objects, and the evolution of the debris population. With this aim, remote and in-situ measurements provide valuable data to tune the space debris population models and improve their reliability. While large satellites can be observed and tracked from ground, the sub-millimeter debris population requires in-situ measurements. In this context, in-orbit impact sensors are a key technology to obtain information about the sub-mm space debris environment. In this framework, a small-scale impact sensor sized to be integrated in a 2U CubeSat is being developed at the University of Padova. The sensor consists of a multitude of thin, conductive stripes arranged on a thin film of non-conductive material. When a debris hits the sensor, one or more stripes are severed, and the impact is detected. Moreover, the sensor design ensures low power consumption, making it feasible for CubeSat space missions. This work presents the latest outcomes obtained from the development of the sensor. Specifically, structural analyses are performed to assess that the sensor can withstand the launch loads, as well as thermal analyses to confirm its endurance capability with in-orbit temperatures. The number of expected impacts during the mission is predicted through orbital propagation, using state-of-the-art debris environment modelling tools. Finally, the paper presents a functional shooting test and vibration tests, executed onto a development model of the sensor, which verify its functionality and validate a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4.



空间碎片对地球轨道上的卫星来说是一个切实的风险。事实上,在过去的几十年里,碎片事件产生了大量不受控制的物体,导致碎片数量不断增长。空间碎片环境建模正在成为评估运行卫星的脆弱性、与不受控制物体意外碰撞的概率以及碎片数量演变的一项基本任务。为了实现这一目标,远程和现场测量提供了宝贵的数据来调整空间碎片数量模型并提高其可靠性。虽然可以从地面观察和跟踪大型卫星,但亚毫米碎片群需要现场测量。在这种背景下,在轨撞击传感器是获取亚毫米空间碎片环境信息的关键技术。在此框架中,帕多瓦大学正在开发一种小型撞击传感器,其尺寸可集成到 2U 立方体卫星中。该传感器由排列在非导电材料薄膜上的多个薄导电条组成。当碎片撞击传感器时,一条或多条条纹被切断,并检测到撞击。此外,传感器设计确保了低功耗,使其适用于CubeSat太空任务。这项工作展示了传感器开发中获得的最新成果。具体来说,进行结构分析以评估传感器能否承受发射载荷,并进行热分析以确认其在轨道温度下的耐受能力。使用最先进的碎片环境建模工具,通过轨道传播来预测任务期间的预期影响数量。 最后,本文介绍了在传感器的开发模型上执行的功能射击测试和振动测试,验证了其功能并验证了技术准备级别 (TRL) 为 4。