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Acceleration of chelator on mineralization reaction of cement paste at different CO2 pressures
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110116
Ronghua Zhuang , Ying Li , Quantao Liu , Zizhou Shen , Tianwei Zhang , Yanheng He , Shangheng Zeng , Hao Duan , Jianying Yu , Ruiyang Wang

In order to further improve the mechanical properties of CO-cured cement paste, effects of chelator on the compressive strength of cement paste cured under different CO pressures were investigated, and the mechanism of chelator in accelerating the mineralization reaction was deduced from the analysis of the degree of mineralization reaction, microstructures, and phase compositions, with the contribution of chelator in reducing the net CO emissions of cement industry being evaluated. The results showed that the use of chelator could significantly enhance the compressive strength of cement paste cured at different CO pressures compared with other methods for improving the compressive strength of CO-cured cement paste, and the compressive strength of cement paste cured for 48 h at 0.1 MPa and 0.4 MPa CO could be enhanced by 23.2 % and 9.4 %, respectively. Chelator could migrate Ca from smaller pores and pore channels to larger pores, decreasing the Ca content and degree of mineralization reaction in smaller pores and pore channels, avoiding the blockage of the stomata by generated CaCO, and allowing more CO to penetrate and diffuse into the cement paste, thereby promoting mineralization reaction and significantly improving compressive strength of cement paste cured at atmospheric pressure. The use of chelator in mineralization curing cement-based materials could further reduce net CO emissions from cement production, making significant contribution to the advancement of mineralization curing technology and environmental sustainability.



为了进一步提高CO养护水泥浆体的力学性能,研究了螯合剂对不同CO压力养护水泥浆体抗压强度的影响,并通过分析螯合剂加速矿化反应的机理,推导了螯合剂加速矿化反应的机理。矿化反应程度、微观结构和相组成,并评估螯合剂在减少水泥工业二氧化碳净排放方面的贡献。结果表明,与其他提高CO养护水泥浆体抗压强度的方法相比,使用螯合剂可显着提高不同CO压力养护水泥浆体的抗压强度,且在CO压力下养护48 h的水泥浆体抗压强度0.1 MPa和0.4 MPa CO可分别提高23.2%和9.4%。螯合剂可以将Ca从较小的孔隙和孔道迁移到较大的孔隙,降低较小孔隙和孔道内的Ca含量和矿化反应程度,避免生成的CaCO对气孔的堵塞,使更多的CO渗透和扩散到孔隙中。从而促进矿化反应,显着提高常压养护水泥浆体的抗压强度。在矿化固化水泥基材料中使用螯合剂可以进一步减少水泥生产中的二氧化碳净排放量,为矿化固化技术的进步和环境的可持续发展做出重大贡献。