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Omega-3 world map: 2024 update
Progress in Lipid Research ( IF 14.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.plipres.2024.101286
Jan Philipp Schuchardt 1 , Philine Beinhorn 2 , Xue Feng Hu 3 , Hing Man Chan 3 , Kaitlin Roke 4 , Aldo Bernasconi 4 , Andreas Hahn 2 , Aleix Sala-Vila 5 , Ken D Stark 6 , William S Harris 7

In 2016, the first worldwide n3 PUFA status map was published using the Omega-3 Index (O3I) as standard biomarker. The O3I is defined as the percentage of EPA + DHA in red blood cell (RBC) membrane FAs. The purpose of the present study was to update the 2016 map with new data. In order to be included, studies had to report O3I and/or blood EPA + DHA levels in metrics convertible into an estimated O3I, in samples drawn after 1999. To convert the non-RBC-based EPA + DHA metrics into RBC we used newly developed equations. Baseline data from clinical trials and observational studies were acceptable. A literature search identified 328 studies meeting inclusion criteria encompassing 342,864 subjects from 48 countries/regions. Weighted mean country O3I levels were categorized into very low ≤4%, low >4–6%, moderate >6–8%, and desirable >8%. We found that the O3I in most countries was low to very low. Notable differences between the current and 2016 map were 1) USA, Canada, Italy, Turkey, UK, Ireland and Greece (moving from the very low to low category); 2) France, Spain and New Zealand (low to moderate); and 3) Finland and Iceland (moderate to desirable). Countries such as Iran, Egypt, and India exhibited particularly poor O3I levels.


Omega-3 世界地图:2024 年更新

2016 年,使用 Omega-3 指数 (O3I) 作为标准生物标志物发布了全球首个 n3 PUFA 状态图。 O3I 定义为红细胞 (RBC) 膜 FA 中 EPA + DHA 的百分比。本研究的目的是用新数据更新 2016 年地图。为了纳入研究,必须在 1999 年之后抽取的样本中以可转换为估计 O3I 的指标报告 O3I 和/或血液 EPA + DHA 水平。为了将非基于 RBC 的 EPA + DHA 指标转换为 RBC,我们使用了新的方法开发方程。临床试验和观察研究的基线数据是可以接受的。文献检索确定了 328 项符合纳入标准的研究,涵盖来自 48 个国家/地区的 342,864 名受试者。加权平均国家 O3I 水平分为极低 ≤4%、低 >4–6%、中等 >6–8% 和理想 >8%。我们发现大多数国家的 O3I 都处于低至非常低的水平。当前地图与 2016 年地图之间的显着差异包括 1) 美国、加拿大、意大利、土耳其、英国、爱尔兰和希腊(从极低类别移至低类别); 2)法国、西班牙和新西兰(低至中等); 3) 芬兰和冰岛(中等至理想)。伊朗、埃及和印度等国家的 O3I 水平特别差。