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Sex and gender differences in cognitive resilience to aging and Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's & Dementia ( IF 13.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-05 , DOI: 10.1002/alz.13844
Eider M Arenaza-Urquijo 1, 2 , Rory Boyle 3 , Kaitlin Casaletto 4 , Kaarin J Anstey 5, 6, 7 , Clara Vila-Castelar 3 , Aaron Colverson 8 , Eleni Palpatzis 1, 2 , Jaclyn M Eissman 9, 10 , Ted Kheng Siang Ng 11 , Sheelakumari Raghavan 12 , Muge Akinci 1, 2 , Jet M J Vonk 4 , Luiza S Machado 13 , Preeti P Zanwar 14, 15 , Hom L Shrestha 16 , Maude Wagner 17 , Stefano Tamburin 18 , Hamid R Sohrabi 19, 20 , Samantha Loi 21, 22 , David Bartrés-Faz 23, 24, 25 , Dena B Dubal 26, 27 , Prashanthi Vemuri 12 , Ozioma Okonkwo 28 , Timothy J Hohman 9, 10 , Michael Ewers 29, 30 , Rachel F Buckley 3 ,

Sex and gender—biological and social constructs—significantly impact the prevalence of protective and risk factors, influencing the burden of Alzheimer's disease (AD; amyloid beta and tau) and other pathologies (e.g., cerebrovascular disease) which ultimately shape cognitive trajectories. Understanding the interplay of these factors is central to understanding resilience and resistance mechanisms explaining maintained cognitive function and reduced pathology accumulation in aging and AD. In this narrative review, the ADDRESS! Special Interest Group (Alzheimer's Association) adopted a multidisciplinary approach to provide the foundations and recommendations for future research into sex- and gender-specific drivers of resilience, including a sex/gender-oriented review of risk factors, genetics, AD and non-AD pathologies, brain structure and function, and animal research. We urge the field to adopt a sex/gender-aware approach to resilience to advance our understanding of the intricate interplay of biological and social determinants and consider sex/gender-specific resilience throughout disease stages.



性别(生物和社会结构)显着影响保护因素和风险因素的流行,影响阿尔茨海默病(AD;β-淀粉样蛋白和 tau 蛋白)和其他病理(例如脑血管疾病)的负担,最终塑造认知轨迹。了解这些因素的相互作用对于理解弹性和抵抗机制至关重要,这些机制解释了衰老和 AD 中认知功能的维持和病理积累的减少。在这篇叙述性评论中,地址!特别兴趣小组(阿尔茨海默氏症协会)采用多学科方法,为未来研究性别和性别特定的复原力驱动因素提供基础和建议,包括对风险因素、遗传学、AD 和非 AD 进行以性别/性别为导向的审查病理学、大脑结构和功能以及动物研究。我们敦促该领域采用性别/性别意识方法来提高复原力,以增进我们对生物和社会决定因素错综复杂的相互作用的理解,并考虑整个疾病阶段的性别/性别特异性复原力。