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ERG Regulates Lymphatic Vessel Specification Genes and Its Deficiency Impairs Wound Healing-Associated Lymphangiogenesis
Arthritis & Rheumatology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1002/art.42944
Takashi Yamashita 1 , Ulas Kaplan 1 , Adri Chakraborty 1 , Grace Marden 1 , Sami Gritli 1 , Daniel Roh 1 , Andreea Bujor 1 , Marcin Trojanowski 1 , Giovanni Ligresti 1 , Jeffrey L Browning 1 , Maria Trojanowska 1

Rarefaction of blood and lymphatic vessels in the skin has been reported in systemic sclerosis (SSc) (scleroderma). E26 transformation–specific–related factor (ERG) and Friend leukemia virus–induced erythroleukemia 1 (FLI-1) are important regulators of angiogenesis, but their role in lymphatic vasculature is lesser known. The goal of this study was to determine the role of ERG and FLI-1 in postnatal lymphangiogenesis and SSc lymphatic system defects.


ERG 调节淋巴管规范基因,其缺陷会损害伤口愈合相关的淋巴管生成

据报道,系统性硬化症 (SSc)(硬皮病)会导致皮肤血管和淋巴管稀疏。 E26 转化特异性相关因子 (ERG) 和弗兰德白血病病毒诱导的红白血病 1 (FLI-1) 是血管生成的重要调节因子,但它们在淋巴脉管系统中的作用鲜为人知。本研究的目的是确定 ERG 和 FLI-1 在出生后淋巴管生成和 SSc 淋巴系统缺陷中的作用。