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Teachers’ Humour Use in the Classroom: A Scoping Review
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09913-x
Hannah L. Robinson , Sarah E. Rose , Jade M. Elliott , Romina A. Vivaldi

Teachers frequently use humour, but it is unclear how this affects the academic experiences and psychosocial development of students. There is sparsity in the literature regarding the impact of teachers’ humour on adolescent students. Teachers and the use of humour in the classroom have the potential to foster healthy development of social and academic skills during this key formative stage of maturation, but equally may be detrimental. This scoping review aimed to determine how and why teachers used humour in the classrooms of students aged 11-18, and the effect humour may have on students’ educational experiences. The Joanna Briggs methodological framework and PRISMA extension for Scoping Reviews checklist were used. The narrative synthesis generated six themes from 43 empirical papers. Many studies have considered humour as a single construct, reporting improved classroom management and students’ learning processes. However, other reports have suggested that humour use could lead to a loss of class control and for important information to be lost. Studies considering specific humour styles have identified affiliative humour as increasing engagement in deeper thinking. However, aggressive and course-related humour have reported mixed effects on educational experiences. This review identifies the humour styles and sub-styles reported in the sparse literature. It also highlights the lack of a comprehensive humour styles measure that adequately captures humour use and perceptions in teachers of adolescents and, importantly, how teachers’ humour is perceived by this population. Such a tool is vital to enable understanding of how teaching humour styles may directly affect adolescents’ educational experiences.



教师经常使用幽默,但尚不清楚这如何影响学生的学术经历和心理发展。关于教师幽默对青少年学生影响的文献很少。在这个成熟的关键形成阶段,教师和课堂上幽默的运用有可能促进社交和学术技能的健康发展,但同样可能是有害的。本次范围审查旨在确定教师如何以及为何在 11-18 岁学生的课堂上使用幽默,以及幽默可能对学生的教育经历产生的影响。使用了 Joanna Briggs 方法框架和范围界定审查清单的 PRISMA 扩展。叙事综合从 43 篇实证论文中产生了 6 个主题。 许多研究都将幽默视为一个单一的结构,报告称课堂管理和学生的学习过程得到了改善。然而,其他报告表明,幽默的使用可能会导致课堂控制的丧失和重要信息的丢失。考虑特定幽默风格的研究发现,亲和性幽默可以增加更深层次的思考。然而,攻击性幽默和与课程相关的幽默对教育经历的影响好坏参半。 这篇评论确定了稀疏文献中报道的幽默风格和子风格。它还强调缺乏全面的幽默风格衡量标准来充分捕捉青少年教师的幽默使用和看法,以及更重要的是,这一人群如何看待教师的幽默。这样的工具对于理解幽默教学风格如何直接影响青少年的教育经历至关重要。
