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The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-024-00969-w
Sarah Parmenter , Karla Shockley McCarthy , Juan Lorenzo Benavides , Öznur Bayar , Kathryn Maguire Jack , Susan Yoon

This study explores the reported experiences of youth in congregate care facilities, focusing on their perceptions of support, relationships, and safety during their time in care. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 young adults, previously placed in group homes or residential facilities in Ohio, to identify themes related to their experiences. Three main themes resulted from the analysis: (1) lack of agency, (2) importance of relationships, and (3) coping and transitioning in congregate care. The findings revealed that participants felt a total lack of control over the decisions made on their behalf, and they felt powerless to advocate for their needs. Furthermore, participants reported a lack of support from facility staff, and they faced barriers in maintaining connections with their families. Despite these challenges, many participants demonstrated resilience and gained positive insights from their experiences in congregate care. This study highlights the need for improved support systems, increased focus on youth self-advocacy, and a better understanding of the complex experiences faced by youth in congregate care settings.


青少年在集体照料中的生活经历:通过对 10 名年轻人进行定性调查,了解青少年对安全、关系和支持的看法

本研究探讨了青少年在集体护理机构中的经历,重点关注他们在护理期间对支持、关系和安全的看法。我们对 10 名曾被安置在俄亥俄州集体之家或住宅设施中的年轻人进行了深入访谈,以确定与他们的经历相关的主题。分析得出三个主题:(1) 缺乏代理,(2) 关系的重要性,以及 (3) 集体护理中的应对和过渡。调查结果显示,参与者感到对代表他们做出的决定完全缺乏控制,并且他们感到无力倡导自己的需求。此外,参与者表示缺乏设施工作人员的支持,他们在与家人保持联系方面面临障碍。尽管面临这些挑战,许多参与者表现出了韧性,并从他们的集体护理经历中获得了积极的见解。这项研究强调需要改进支持系统,更加关注青年自我倡导,以及更好地了解青年在集体照料环境中面临的复杂经历。
