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Slow rupture in a fluid-rich fault zone initiated the 2024 M w 7.5 Noto earthquake
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ado5143
Zhangfeng Ma 1 , Hongyu Zeng 1, 2 , Haipeng Luo 1, 3 , Zemin Liu 4 , Yu Jiang 1 , Yosuke Aoki 5 , Weitao Wang 4 , Yuji Itoh 5, 6 , Mingzhe Lyu 2 , Yan Cui 7 , Sang-Ho Yun 1, 2, 8 , Emma M Hill 1, 2 , Shengji Wei 1, 2, 9

The 2024 moment magnitude ( M w ) 7.5 Noto Peninsula (Japan) earthquake caused devastation to communities and was generated by a complex rupture process. Using space geodetic and seismic observations, we show that the event deformed the peninsula with a peak uplift reaching 5 m at the west coast. Shallow slip exceeded 10 m on an offshore fault. Peak stress drop was greater than 10 MPa. This devastating event began with a slow rupture propagation lasting 15-20 s near its hypocenter, where seismic swarms had surged since 2020 due to lower-crust fluid supply. The slow start was accompanied by intense high-frequency seismic radiation. These observations suggest a distinct coseismic slip mode reflecting high heterogeneity in fault properties within a fluid-rich fault zone.


富含流体的断层带的缓慢破裂引发了 2024 年 M w 7.5 诺托地震

2024年矩震级(中号w ) 7.5 能登半岛(日本)地震对社区造成破坏,是由复杂的破裂过程产生的。通过空间大地测量和地震观测,我们表明该事件使半岛变形,西海岸的峰值抬升达到 5 m。海上断层浅层滑移超过 10 m。峰值应力降大于10 MPa。这一毁灭性事件始于震源附近持续 15-20 秒的缓慢破裂传播,自 2020 年以来,由于地壳下层流体供应,地震群激增。缓慢的启动伴随着强烈的高频地震辐射。这些观察结果表明,一种独特的同震滑移模式反映了富含流体的断层带内断层性质的高度异质性。