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“Knowledge is confused”: Rethinking pull factors in light of asylum and refugee integration policies
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.13303
Colleen Boland 1 , Daniel Morente 2 , Elena Sanchez‐Montijano 2, 3

The degree to which asylum or refugee integration policy influences a forcibly displaced individual's decision to settle in one European country versus another remains understudied, yet highly visible in policy and public debate. This work asks what explains this decision‐making via Spanish case study. The authors analyse 30 in‐depth interviews with persons seeking international protection from Spain combined with surveys among Spanish NGOs conducted in 2021. Main results firstly demonstrate that few individuals were previously aware of their intended destination's integration policies. Second, decision‐making affected by policies differs between individuals, related to socio‐demographic characteristics (origin country, age, gender). Third, EU policies serve as an auxiliary consideration. Finally, individual personal networks serve as the recurrent, principal pull factor. This paper contributes by highlighting that Spanish integration policies do not serve as a primary influence on decision‐making; instead, they serve as secondary or mediating factors, alongside the main factor of personal networks.



庇护或难民融合政策对被迫流离失所的个人在一个欧洲国家或另一个欧洲国家定居的决定的影响程度尚未得到充分研究,但在政策和公共辩论中却非常明显。这项工作通过西班牙案例研究来解释这一决策。作者分析了 30 次对西班牙寻求国际保护者的深度访谈,并结合 2021 年对西班牙非政府组织进行的调查。主要结果首先表明,很少有人事先了解其目的地的融合政策。其次,受政策影响的决策因人而异,与社会人口特征(原籍国、年龄、性别)有关。第三,欧盟政策作为辅助考虑。最后,个人网络是经常性的、主要的拉动因素。本文强调西班牙一体化政策并不对决策产生主要影响;相反,它们与个人网络的主要因素一起充当次要或中介因素。