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An Underactuated Active Transfemoral Prosthesis With Series Elastic Actuators Enables Multiple Locomotion Tasks
IEEE Transactions on Robotics ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1109/tro.2024.3415228
Ilaria Fagioli 1 , Francesco Lanotte 2 , Tommaso Fiumalbi 3 , Andrea Baldoni 1 , Alessandro Mazzarini 1 , Filippo Dell'Agnello 1 , Huseyin Eken 1 , Vito Papapicco 3 , Tommaso Ciapetti 4 , Alessandro Maselli 4 , Claudio Macchi 4 , Sofia Dalmiani 1 , Angelo Davalli 5 , Emanuele Gruppioni 5 , Emilio Trigili 1 , Simona Crea 1 , Nicola Vitiello 1

Robotic lower limb prostheses have the power to revolutionize mobility by enhancing gait efficiency and facilitating movement. While several design approaches have been explored to create lightweight and energy-efficient devices, the potential of underactuation remains largely untapped in lower limb prosthetics. Taking inspiration from the natural harmony of walking, in this article, we have developed an innovative active transfemoral prosthesis. By incorporating underactuation, our design uses a single power actuator placed near the knee joint and connected to a differential mechanism to drive both the knee and ankle joints. We conduct comprehensive benchtop tests and evaluate the prosthesis with three individuals who have above-knee amputations, assessing its performance in walking, stair climbing, and transitions between sitting and standing. Our evaluation focuses on gathering position and torque data recorded from sensors integrated into the prosthesis and comparing these measurements to biomechanical data of able-bodied locomotion. Our findings highlight the promise of underactuation in advancing lower limb prosthetics and demonstrate the feasibility of our knee–ankle underactuated design in various tasks, showcasing its ability to replicate natural movement.


