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Spatial heterogeneity, terminus environment effects and acceleration in mass loss of glaciers and ice caps across Greenland
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2024.104505
Michael Grimes , Jonathan L. Carrivick , Mark W. Smith

Greenland's peripheral glaciers and ice caps (GICs) contribute significant amounts of meltwater to the oceans but also affect local economies and livelihoods. Here we created multi-temporal geodetic elevation change datasets to compute mass changes for 6149 glaciers around the entire periphery of Greenland. These glaciers have lost a total of at least 276 ± 55 Gt of ice, or 0.76 ± 0.15 mm sea level equivalent, from their ablation areas between 1978 and 2015. If we assume no mass loss within accumulation areas, then the mean mass balance has been at least −0.10 ± 0.02 m w.e. yr. In general, west Greenland glaciers have had a more negative mass balance and experienced accelerated mass loss since 2006 (x 2.7 in south west region, x 5.6 in central west region). Conversely, east Greenland glaciers have generally experienced a decrease in the rate of mass loss. Lake-terminating glaciers have experienced the most negative mass balance, exacerbated by the occurrence of debris cover. These findings quantify great spatial heterogeneity, give context to the recent history of mass loss from GICs, and suggest the importance of including local glacier properties within glacier evolution models.



格陵兰岛的外围冰川和冰盖(GIC)向海洋贡献了大量的融水,但也影响了当地的经济和生计。在这里,我们创建了多时相大地高程变化数据集来计算格陵兰岛整个周边 6149 个冰川的质量变化。 1978 年至 2015 年间,这些冰川从其消融区域总共损失了至少 276 ± 55 Gt 的冰,或 0.76 ± 0.15 毫米海平面当量。如果我们假设堆积区域内没有质量损失,则平均质量平衡为经纬距离至少为 -0.10 ± 0.02 米年。总体而言,格陵兰岛西部冰川自2006年以来质量平衡负值更大,质量损失加速(西南地区x 2.7,中西部地区x 5.6)。相反,东格陵兰冰川的质量损失率普遍下降。湖泊终止冰川经历了最严重的负质量平衡,碎片覆盖的出现加剧了这一情况。这些发现量化了巨大的空间异质性,为近期 GIC 质量损失的历史提供了背景,并表明将局部冰川特性纳入冰川演化模型的重要性。