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Onset of scaling violation in pion and kaon elastic electromagnetic form factors
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138823
Zhao-Qian Yao , Daniele Binosi , Craig D. Roberts

Using a symmetry-preserving truncation of the quantum field equations describing hadron properties, parameter-free predictions are delivered for pion and kaon elastic electromagnetic form factors, , thereby unifying them with kindred results for nucleon elastic electromagnetic form factors. Regarding positive-charge states, the analysis stresses that the presence of scaling violations in QCD entails that should exhibit a single maximum on . Locating such a maximum is both necessary and sufficient to establish the existence of scaling violations. The study predicts that, for charged , mesons, the maximum lies in the neighbourhood GeV. Foreseeable experiments will test these predictions and, providing their reach meets expectations, potentially also provide details on the momentum dependence of meson form factor scaling violation.


π 介子和 kaon 弹性电磁形状因子中尺度破坏的开始

使用描述强子性质的量子场方程的保对称截断,可以对 pion 和 kaon 弹性电磁形状因子 进行无参数预测,从而将它们与核子弹性电磁形状因子的类似结果统一起来。关于正电荷态,分析强调 QCD 中缩放违规的存在意味着 应该表现出单一最大值。找到这样的最大值对于确定缩放违规的存在既是必要的也是充分的。研究预测,对于带电介子,最大值位于 GeV 附近。可预见的实验将测试这些预测,并且如果它们的范围满足预期,也可能提供有关介子形状因子尺度违规的动量依赖性的详细信息。