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Identification of hydrochemical processes of groundwater in Nekor-Ghiss plain (Morocco): using the application of multivariate statistics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map groundwater
Applied Water Science ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s13201-024-02220-4
Soukaina El khalki , Mohammad Ghalit , Rachida Elbarghmi , Khalil Azzaoui , Shehdeh Jodeh , Ghadir Hanbali , Abdellatif Lamhamdi

In arid and semiarid zones, groundwater is a vital and indispensable natural resource. Indeed, these water resources have become extremely limited due to several factors, including climate change, salinization, and overexploitation. This study covers the hydrochemical characterization of groundwater in the Nekor-Ghiss plain which is located in northern Morocco. To achieve this objective, a set of 79 water samples was analyzed, for various physical and chemical parameters of the samples, including E.C, pH, TDS, HCO3, SO42−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, PO43−, NO3, NO2 and NH4+. Several methods were used to interpret the hydrochemical data, namely graphical methods, principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical ascending classification, and ion exchange indices. A detailed geochemical study of groundwater is described to identify the origin of the chemical composition of groundwater. The results show that the samples studied are characterized by very high mineralization (> 1500 mg/l), with the predominance of Na+, Cl and SO42− ions. The interpretation of geochemical signatures of groundwater in the Nekor-Ghiss plain shows sulfate-sodium (Na–SO4) and chloride-sodium (Na–Cl) facies. Natural geochemical processes are responsible for water regulation, while human activities exert a limited influence on this control. Marine intrusion, evaporation, and the ion exchange process largely control the chemistry of the aquifer. Using PCA to confirm controlled water chemistry processes revealed three homogeneous groups. The study contributes to a better understanding of the quality and mineralization of groundwater in the Nekor-Ghiss plain, and it will serve as a reference for other plains with similar characteristics.


Nekor-Ghiss 平原(摩洛哥)地下水水化学过程的识别:利用多元统计和地理信息系统 (GIS) 绘制地下水图

在干旱和半干旱地区,地下水是重要且不可或缺的自然资源。事实上,由于气候变化、盐碱化和过度开发等多种因素,这些水资源已经变得极其有限。这项研究涵盖了位于摩洛哥北部的 Nekor-Ghiss 平原地下水的水化学特征。为了实现这一目标,我们对 79 个水样进行了分析,了解样品的各种物理和化学参数,包括 E.C、pH、TDS、HCO 3 、SO 4 2− 、钙 2+ 、镁 2+ 、钠 + 、钾 + 、PO 4 3− ,无 3 ,无 2 和 NH 4 + 。使用多种方法来解释水化学数据,即图形方法、主成分分析(PCA)、层次升序分类和离子交换指数。描述了对地下水的详细地球化学研究,以确定地下水化学成分的来源。结果表明,所研究的样品具有非常高的矿化度(> 1500 mg/l),主要是 Na + 、 Cl 和 SO 4 2− 离子。 Nekor-Ghiss 平原地下水地球化学特征的解释显示硫酸钠 (Na–SO 4 ) 和氯化钠 (Na–Cl) 相。自然地球化学过程负责水的调节,而人类活动对这种控制的影响有限。海洋入侵、蒸发和离子交换过程在很大程度上控制着含水层的化学性质。使用 PCA 确认受控水化学过程揭示了三个同质组。 该研究有助于更好地了解内科尔-吉斯平原地下水的质量和矿化程度,也将为其他具有类似特征的平原提供参考。
