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Using wearable sensors to explore schoolyard interactions of mainstreamed deaf and hard‐of‐hearing preadolescents
Social Development ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-03 , DOI: 10.1111/sode.12755
Adva Eichengreen 1 , Yung‐Ting Tsou 1 , Lisa‐Maria van Klaveren 2 , Anat Zaidman‐Zait 3 , Alexander Koutamanis 4

Social participation in school, including schoolyard interactions, is considered important for all aspects of child development. Students with disabilities, such as those who are deaf and hard‐of‐hearing, are at risk of experiencing inaccessibility and social exclusion in mainstream classes, yet this has been hard researched in the schoolyard context. We exploratively compared preadolescents (M = 10.48, SD = .93) with (N = 8) and without (N = 207) hearing loss in their continuous schoolyard interactions during 21 recess assessments, using proximity sensors and field observations, alongside measurements of peer acceptance, friendships and sense of connectedness, based on peer nominations and self‐reports. Deaf and hard‐of‐hearing preadolescents spent less time interacting in the schoolyard, a trend which was stable throughout recess. Deaf and hard‐of‐hearing students interacted with the same number of partners as their classmates, but posthoc analyses suggest that towards the end of long recess periods they had a sharper drop in the number of their interaction partners. Field observations suggest that deaf and hard‐of‐hearing preadolescents who were socially active became more isolated the longer the break lasted, and that physical proximity did not necessarily indicate positive interactions. Findings underscore the importance of using multimethod designs that assess various dimensions of social participation and account for the temporal dynamics of recess interactions. Proximity sensors, combined with qualitative observations, enabled to detect social difficulties not detected by more traditional measures, hence valuable for social inclusion research and interventions.



学校的社会参与,包括校园互动,被认为对儿童发展的各个方面都很重要。残疾学生,例如失聪和听力障碍的学生,在主流班级中面临着难以接近和社会排斥的风险,但这一点已经在校园环境中进行了深入研究。我们使用接近传感器和现场观察以及同伴测量,在 21 次课间休息评估期间,探索性地比较了有听力损失(N = 8)和没有听力损失(N = 207)的青春期前儿童(M = 10.48,SD = .93)在持续校园互动中的表现。基于同行提名和自我报告的接受度、友谊和联系感。失聪和听力困难的青春期前儿童在校园互动的时间较少,这一趋势在整个课间休息期间都很稳定。失聪和听力障碍的学生与同学互动的伙伴数量相同,但事后分析表明,在长课间休息结束时,他们的互动伙伴数量急剧下降。现场观察表明,社交活跃的聋哑和听力困难的青春期前青少年,休息时间持续的时间越长,他们就会变得更加孤立,而且身体上的接近并不一定表明积极的互动。研究结果强调了使用多方法设计来评估社会参与的各个维度并解释课间互动的时间动态的重要性。接近传感器与定性观察相结合,能够发现更传统的措施无法发现的社会困难,因此对于社会包容性研究和干预很有价值。