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Trying to Undo the Colonialities of Arts Education: The Construction of a Workbook as Curriculum‐(Un)Making
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-03 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12511
Cat Martins , Samuel Guimarães

This text aims to revisit a practice developed in a course on art education within the Ph.D. programme in Arts Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. We approached this space through the construction of a workbook that was practised during classes. The exercises aimed to reflect on the positionality we occupy and on art education as a field of practice/research built on several colonialities. The idea of theory as a practice enacted through questioning, displacements, staying in research and getting to know the archives we inhabit framed the work carried out. The text is an exercise in revisiting the workbook, activating it now through reading and outside the group of participants to which it was made. It is not linear in the sense of recounting the experience; rather, it seeks to blend today's writing with the exercises drawn from that workbook.


