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Annual vegetation maps in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) from 2000 to 2022 based on MODIS series satellite imagery
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-2024-193
Guangsheng Zhou , Hongrui Ren , Lei Zhang , Xiaomin Lv , Mengzi Zhou

Abstract. The Qinghai Tibet Plateau (QTP), known as the "Third Pole" of the Earth" and the "Water Tower of Asia," plays a crucial role in global climate regulation, biodiversity conservation, and regional socio-economic development. Continuous annual vegetation types and their geographical distribution data are essential for studying the response and adaptation of vegetation to climate change. However, there is very limited data on vegetation types and their geographical distributions on the QTP due to harsh natural environment. Currently, land cover/surface vegetation (LCSV) data are typically obtained using independent classification methods for each period's product, based on remote sensing information. These approaches do not consider the time continuity of vegetation to presence, and leads to a gradual increase in the number of misclassified pixels and the uncertainty of their locations, consequently decreasing the interpretability of the long-time series remote sensing products. To address this issue, this study developed a new approach to long-time continuous annual vegetation mapping from remote sensing imagery, and mapped the vegetation of the QTP from 2000 to 2022 at a 500 m spatial resolution through the MOD09A1 product. The overall accuracy of continuous annual QTP vegetation mapping from 2000 to 2022 reached 80.9 % based on 733 samples from literature, with the reference annual 2020 reaching an accuracy of 86.5 % and a Kappa coefficient of 0.85. The study supports the use of remote sensing data to mapping a long-term continuous annual vegetation.



摘要。青藏高原被誉为“地球第三极”、“亚洲水塔”,在全球气候调节、生物多样性保护和区域社会经济发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。植被类型及其地理分布数据对于研究植被对气候变化的响应和适应至关重要,但由于目前青藏高原的自然环境恶劣,有关植被类型及其地理分布的数据非常有限。 (LCSV)数据通常是根据遥感信息对每个时期的产品使用独立的分类方法获得的,这些方法没有考虑植被存在的时间连续性,并导致错误分类的像素数量和不确定性逐渐增加。为了解决这个问题,本研究开发了一种利用遥感影像进行长期连续年度植被制图的新方法,并根据遥感影像绘制了青藏高原的植被。通过 MOD09A1 产品以 500 m 空间分辨率观测 2000 年至 2022 年。基于733个文献样本,2000—2022年青藏高原植被连续年制图总体精度达到80.9%,参考2020年精度达到86.5%,Kappa系数为0.85。该研究支持使用遥感数据来绘制长期连续的年度植被图。