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Motion Comparator: Visual Comparison of Robot Motions
arXiv - CS - Robotics Pub Date : 2024-07-03 , DOI: arxiv-2407.02746
Yeping Wang, Alexander Peseckis, Zelong Jiang, Michael Gleicher

Roboticists compare robot motions for tasks such as parameter tuning, troubleshooting, and deciding between possible motions. However, most existing visualization tools are designed for individual motions and lack the features necessary to facilitate robot motion comparison. In this paper, we utilize a rigorous design framework to develop Motion Comparator, a web-based tool that facilitates the comprehension, comparison, and communication of robot motions. Our design process identified roboticists' needs, articulated design challenges, and provided corresponding strategies. Motion Comparator includes several key features such as multi-view coordination, quaternion visualization, time warping, and comparative designs. To demonstrate the applications of Motion Comparator, we discuss four case studies in which our tool is used for motion selection, troubleshooting, parameter tuning, and motion review.



机器人专家比较机器人运动以完成参数调整、故障排除和在可能的运动之间做出决定等任务。然而,大多数现有的可视化工具都是针对单独的运动而设计的,缺乏促进机器人运动比较所需的功能。在本文中,我们利用严格的设计框架来开发运动比较器,这是一种基于网络的工具,有助于理解、比较和交流机器人运动。我们的设计过程确定了机器人专家的需求,阐明了设计挑战,并提供了相应的策略。 Motion Comparator 包括多个关键功能,例如多视图协调、四元数可视化、时间扭曲和比较设计。为了演示运动比较器的应用,我们讨论了四个案例研究,其中我们的工具用于运动选择、故障排除、参数调整和运动检查。