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Achievement Goals as Mediators of the Links Between Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptoms From Mid-Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02045-z
William Gilbert 1 , Rayana Eltanoukhi 2 , Alexandre J S Morin 2, 3 , Katariina Salmela-Aro 4

Numerous studies have sought to determine whether low self-esteem acts as a risk factor for depressive symptoms (i.e., a vulnerability model) or whether depressive symptoms lead to a decrease in self-esteem (i.e., a scar model). Although both models have received some support, very little research has: (a) addressed this question across critical life transitions likely to modify this pattern of associations, such as the transition to adulthood; (b) sought to identify the psychological mechanisms (i.e., mediators) underpinning these associations. The present study was designed to address these two limitations, focusing on the directionality of the associations between depressive symptoms and self-esteem from mid-adolescence to early adulthood while considering the role of motivational factors, namely mastery (intrinsic/extrinsic) and performance (approach/avoidance) goals as conceptualized in achievement goal theory. A sample of 707 Finnish adolescents aged 15–16 (52.1% boys) was surveyed six times up to the age of 25. Results from a cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) revealed that depressed individuals were more likely to have low self-esteem, although self-esteem protected against depressive symptoms between ages 16–17 to 20–21. Moreover, while self-esteem promoted mastery-extrinsic goals which in turn reinforced self-esteem, depressive symptoms promoted performance-avoidance goals which led to more depressive symptoms and lower self-esteem. Overall, these findings highlight (1) the long-lasting negative consequences of depressive symptoms on self-esteem and (2) the crucial role played by academic motivation in explaining the development of depressive symptoms and self-esteem over time. In turn, these results help refine the vulnerability and scar models, and suggest that motivational factors should be considered in prevention and intervention efforts among young populations.



许多研究试图确定低自尊是否是抑郁症状的危险因素(即脆弱模型),或者抑郁症状是否会导致自尊下降(即疤痕模型)。尽管这两种模型都得到了一些支持,但很少有研究:(a)在可能改变这种关联模式的关键生活转变中解决这个问题,例如向成年的过渡; (b) 力求找出支撑这些关联的心理机制(即中介因素)。本研究旨在解决这两个局限性,重点关注从青春期中期到成年早期抑郁症状与自尊之间关联的方向性,同时考虑动机因素的作用,即掌握(内在/外在)和表现(接近/回避)目标在成就目标理论中被概念化。对 707 名 15-16 岁芬兰青少年(52.1% 男孩)进行了六次调查,直至 25 岁。交叉滞后面板模型 (CLPM) 的结果显示,抑郁的人更有可能缺乏自尊,尽管自尊可以保护 16-17 岁至 20-21 岁之间的抑郁症状。此外,虽然自尊促进了外在的掌握目标,进而增强了自尊,但抑郁症状促进了表现回避目标,从而导致更多的抑郁症状和更低的自尊。总的来说,这些发现强调了(1)抑郁症状对自尊的长期负面影响,以及(2)学术动机在解释抑郁症状和自尊随时间的发展中发挥的关键作用。 反过来,这些结果有助于完善脆弱性和疤痕模型,并表明在年轻人口的预防和干预工作中应考虑动机因素。
