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P-473 Assessing patient perceptions: emotional support and clinic culture in fertility care. Examining changes in emotional support and clinic culture over 4 years
Human Reproduction ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-03 , DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deae108.816
S Banks 1

Study question How do patients perceive emotional support and clinic culture in the context of fertility care, what factors contribute to their overall experiences within fertility clinics? Summary answer Patients find clinic support lacking, rated 4.8/10, with <45% perceiving a supportive clinic culture. Despite increased awareness, emotional support perception declined from 2019 to 2023. What is known already Despite abundant research emphasising the necessity of psychosocial care in fertility treatment, notably by ESHRE, patients’ experiences indicate clinics are not consistently following these guidelines or offering sufficient emotional support. UK studies by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and Fertility Network emphasise the genuine emotional toll of fertility treatment, revealing that 40% of women undergoing treatment have experienced suicidal thoughts. These findings underscore the critical need for robust emotional support throughout the treatment journey. Study design, size, duration This study involved surveying 210 respondents undergoing fertility treatment. Employing an online survey format, disseminated within my online support communities (approx. 7,000 individuals), the study incorporated both qualitative and quantitative questions. Responses were collected across two distinct periods, 2019 and 2023, providing a comprehensive understanding of patients’ emotional experiences over the 4-year interval. Participants/materials, setting, methods The study gathered insights from 210 global respondents (97% receiving treatment in the UK, 3% in Europe and the USA), all participants were fertility patients undergoing treatment. Cohorts were surveyed in 2019 and 2023, responding to a 10-question online survey. This design enabled a comprehensive exploration of diverse perspectives on emotional support within fertility care over the specified 4-year period. Main results and the role of chance The study reveals a significant disparity between perceived and actual emotional support in fertility clinics. Despite clinics asserting excellence in support, patients rated the emotional support they received at 4.8 out of 10. An alarming 58% expressed scepticism about their clinic fostering a culture of support embraced by all staff, showcasing a disconnect between clinic claims and patient experiences. The study determined a decline in perceived support levels from 2019 to 2023, from 5.3/10 in 2019 to 4.6/10 in 2023. This downward trend raises concerns about the efficacy of efforts to enhance emotional support over the years despite an escalating focus and awareness surrounding the emotional challenges of fertility treatment. The participants’ qualitative responses unveiled a recurring theme across 2019 and 2023, indicating a persistent lack of improvement in emotional support. Patients felt like part of a production line, reduced to mere numbers in the clinic during their treatment journey. A resounding 66% of respondents expressed a desire for more accessible support services within their clinics. This study’s comprehensive findings shed light on the critical need for clinics to re-evaluate and fortify their emotional support infrastructure, ensuring it aligns with patient expectations and contributes positively to their overall experience. Limitations, reasons for caution Differences in participant demographics over study years may influence individual perspectives. Feedback could be influenced by participants’ mood on the survey day, and the global online distribution encompassing diverse clinics adds variability to responses. Wider implications of the findings The study reveals a gap in emotional support provision despite extensive research on IVF’s emotional impact. Patients hesitate to voice concerns, contributing to treatment dropout rates. Addressing this, the study suggests guidelines to help clinics establish a supportive culture from initial contact, potentially reducing dropout rates and improving patient experiences. Trial registration number not applicable


P-473 评估患者的看法:生育护理中的情感支持和诊所文化。检查 4 年来情感支持和诊所文化的变化

研究问题 患者如何看待生育护理背景下的情感支持和诊所文化?哪些因素影响了他们在生育诊所的整体体验?摘要回答 患者认为缺乏诊所支持,评分为 4.8/10,<45% 的患者认为诊所支持文化。尽管认识有所提高,但从 2019 年到 2023 年,情感支持感知有所下降。 已知情况 尽管大量研究(尤其是 ESHRE 的研究)强调生育治疗中心理社会护理的必要性,但患者的经历表明诊所并未始终如一地遵循这些指南或提供足够的情感支持。英国人类受精与胚胎学管理局和生育网络的研究强调了生育治疗的真正情感损失,表明 40% 接受治疗的女性有过自杀念头。这些发现强调在整个治疗过程中迫切需要强有力的情感支持。研究设计、规模、持续时间 本研究调查了 210 名接受生育治疗的受访者。该研究采用在线调查形式,在我的在线支持社区(约 7,000 人)中传播,包含定性和定量问题。收集了 2019 年和 2023 年两个不同时期的答复,以全面了解患者在这 4 年时间间隔内的情绪体验。参与者/材料、背景、方法该研究收集了 210 名全球受访者的见解(97% 在英国接受治疗,3% 在欧洲和美国),所有参与者都是正在接受治疗的生育患者。 2019 年和 2023 年对队列进行了调查,回答了包含 10 个问题的在线调查。 该设计能够在指定的 4 年时间内全面探索生育护理中情感支持的不同观点。主要结果和机会的作用该研究揭示了生育诊所中感知到的情感支持与实际的情感支持之间存在显着差异。尽管诊所声称提供卓越的支持,但患者对他们获得的情感支持的评分为 4.8 分(满分 10 分)。令人震惊的是,58% 的人对他们的诊所培养所有员工接受的支持文化表示怀疑,这表明诊所的主张与患者体验之间存在脱节。该研究确定,从 2019 年到 2023 年,感知支持水平有所下降,从 2019 年的 5.3/10 下降到 2023 年的 4.6/10。尽管关注度和意识不断提升,但这种下降趋势引发了人们对多年来增强情感支持努力的有效性的担忧围绕生育治疗​​的情感挑战。参与者的定性反应揭示了 2019 年和 2023 年反复出现的主题,表明情感支持持续缺乏改善。患者感觉自己就像生产线的一部分,在治疗过程中减少到诊所里的人数。高达 66% 的受访者表示希望在其诊所内获得更便捷的支持服务。这项研究的全面发现揭示了诊所重新评估和强化其情感支持基础设施的迫切需要,确保其符合患者的期望并对他们的整体体验做出积极贡献。局限性、谨慎原因 研究年份中参与者人口统计数据的差异可能会影响个人观点。 反馈可能会受到调查当天参与者情绪的影响,而涵盖不同诊所的全球在线分布增加了反应的可变性。研究结果的更广泛影响 尽管对体外受精的情感影响进行了广泛的研究,但该研究揭示了情感支持提供方面的差距。患者不愿表达担忧,导致治疗中途退出率上升。针对这一问题,该研究提出了指导方针,帮助诊所从初次接触开始就建立支持性文化,从而可能降低退出率并改善患者体验。 试用注册号不适用