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Human coronavirus HKU1 recognition of the TMPRSS2 host receptor
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.06.006
Matthew McCallum 1 , Young-Jun Park 2 , Cameron Stewart 1 , Kaitlin R Sprouse 2 , Amin Addetia 1 , Jack Brown 1 , M Alejandra Tortorici 1 , Cecily Gibson 2 , Emily Wong 3 , Margareta Ieven 4 , Amalio Telenti 3 , David Veesler 2

The human coronavirus HKU1 spike (S) glycoprotein engages host cell surface sialoglycans and transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) to initiate infection. The molecular basis of HKU1 binding to TMPRSS2 and determinants of host receptor tropism remain elusive. We designed an active human TMPRSS2 construct enabling high-yield recombinant production in human cells of this key therapeutic target. We determined a cryo-electron microscopy structure of the HKU1 RBD bound to human TMPRSS2, providing a blueprint of the interactions supporting viral entry and explaining the specificity for TMPRSS2 among orthologous proteases. We identified TMPRSS2 orthologs from five mammalian orders promoting HKU1 S-mediated entry into cells along with key residues governing host receptor usage. Our data show that the TMPRSS2 binding motif is a site of vulnerability to neutralizing antibodies and suggest that HKU1 uses S conformational masking and glycan shielding to balance immune evasion and receptor engagement.


人类冠状病毒 HKU1 识别 TMPRSS2 宿主受体

人类冠状病毒 HKU1 刺突 (S) 糖蛋白与宿主细胞表面唾液酸聚糖和跨膜蛋白酶丝氨酸 2 (TMPRSS2) 结合以启动感染。 HKU1 与 TMPRSS2 结合的分子基础和宿主受体向性的决定因素仍然难以捉摸。我们设计了一种活性人类 TMPRSS2 构建体,能够在人类细胞中高产重组生产这一关键治疗靶点。我们确定了与人 TMPRSS2 结合的 HKU1 RBD 的冷冻电子显微镜结构,提供了支持病毒进入的相互作用的蓝图,并解释了直系同源蛋白酶中 TMPRSS2 的特异性。我们从五种哺乳动物中鉴定出 TMPRSS2 直向同源物,促进 HKU1 S 介导的进入细胞以及控制宿主受体使用的关键残基。我们的数据表明,TMPRSS2 结合基序是中和抗体的脆弱位点,并表明 HKU1 使用 S 构象掩蔽和聚糖屏蔽来平衡免疫逃避和受体结合。