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Constrained routing in multi-partite graph to solve VNF placement and chaining problem
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2024.103931
Mohand Yazid Saidi , Issam Abdeldjalil Ikhelef , Shuopeng Li , Ken Chen

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networks (SDN) empower IT professionals and service providers to strategically deploy Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), resulting in enhanced services and security while minimizing costs. Network services are dynamically provided through the deployment of Service Function Chains (SFCs), which involve selecting and interconnecting physical or virtual servers hosting VNFs.



网络功能虚拟化 (NFV) 和软件定义网络 (SDN) 使 IT 专业人员和服务提供商能够战略性地部署虚拟网络功能 (VNF),从而增强服务和安全性,同时最大限度地降低成本。网络服务通过服务功能链 (SFC) 的部署动态提供,其中涉及选择和互连托管 VNF 的物理或虚拟服务器。