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The universal federator: A third-party authentication solution to federated cloud, edge, and fog
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2024.103922
Asad Ali , Ying-Dar Lin , Jian Liu , Chin-Tser Huang

Cloud, Edge, and Fog computing provide computational services to different end users. A federation among these computing paradigms is beneficial, as it enhances the capability, capacity, coverage, and services of cloud, edge, and fog. An authentication method is needed to realize such a federation among cloud, edge, and fog so that a user belonging to one of these computing paradigms can use the services offered by other computing paradigms in the federation without creating a new account. This paper proposes a standard-compliant universal federator that transparently provides third-party authentication among different protocols, used by cloud, edge, and fog, such as 3GPP EPS-AKA, OpenID Connect (OIDC), and 802.1x. The federator provides transparency by using a controller and modules that act as virtual counterparts of the authentication entities in EPS-AKA, OIDC, and 802.1x. These virtual counterparts play multiple roles, depending upon the involved protocols. We deployed a testbed, published our implementation on GitHub, and tested third-party authentication for 16 scenarios across EPS-AKA, OIDC, and 802.1x. The results show that our federator successfully provides third-party authentication while taking 4.07–51.8% of the total authentication time, which ranges between 1.193–3.825 s for 16 scenarios. Some scenarios involving 802.1x take considerably longer due to the bottleneck caused by the 802.1x switch. We also conducted a security analysis to show that our proposed federator fulfills multiple security requirements.



云计算、边缘计算和雾计算为不同的最终用户提供计算服务。这些计算范式之间的联合是有益的,因为它增强了云、边缘和雾的能力、容量、覆盖范围和服务。需要一种身份验证方法来实现云、边缘和雾之间的这种联盟,以便属于这些计算范式之一的用户可以使用联盟中其他计算范式提供的服务,而无需创建新帐户。本文提出了一种符合标准的通用联邦器,可在云、边缘和雾使用的不同协议(例如 3GPP EPS-AKA、OpenID Connect (OIDC) 和 802.1x)之间透明地提供第三方身份验证。联合者通过使用充当 EPS-AKA、OIDC 和 802.1x 中身份验证实体的虚拟对应物的控制器和模块来提供透明度。这些虚拟对应物扮演多种角色,具体取决于所涉及的协议。我们部署了一个测试平台,在 GitHub 上发布了我们的实现,并针对 EPS-AKA、OIDC 和 802.1x 的 16 个场景测试了第三方身份验证。结果表明,我们的联邦节点成功提供了第三方身份验证,同时占用了总身份验证时间的 4.07-51.8%,对于 16 个场景,其范围在 1.193-3.825 秒之间。由于 802.1x 交换机造成的瓶颈,某些涉及 802.1x 的场景需要相当长的时间。我们还进行了安全分析,以表明我们提出的联邦器满足多项安全要求。