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From green fields to housing societies: Unraveling the mysteries behind agricultural land conversion in Pakistan
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107256
Shahab E. Saqib , Muhammad Kaleem , Muhammad Yaseen , Shang-Ho Yang , Supawan Visetnoi

Agrarian land is being converted into a non-agricultural sector, which is a matter of significant concern. This study aims to determine the factors responsible for the agrarian land conversion to the non-agricultural sector in Pakistan. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected for analysis. Quantitative data were collected from 608 farmers through a questionnaire survey, while qualitative data by in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The study uses a logistic regression model and thematic analysis to determine the factors responsible for land conversion. Results show that farmers’ education, total landholding, urbanization, and the provision of government facilities positively influence land conversion. The ratio of irrigated land and production per acre were negatively associated with such land conversion. The qualitative data identified the push factors such as the social network of farmers, institutional and economic, while the pull factors included commercial opportunities, industrialization, and future expectations. Farmers should be assisted in diversifying their farm operations to generate multiple income streams, reducing the financial pressure that might lead to their selling land. Strict policies are also necessary to control the conversion of agrarian land into use for non-agricultural activities.


