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Protecting coherence from the environment via Stark many-body localization in a Quantum-Dot Simulator
Quantum ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-07-02-1392
Subhajit Sarkar 1, 2 , Berislav Buča 3, 4

Semiconductor platforms are emerging as a promising architecture for storing and processing quantum information, e.g., in quantum dot spin qubits. However, charge noise coming from interactions between the electrons is a major limiting factor, along with the scalability of many qubits, for a quantum computer. We show that a magnetic field gradient can be implemented in a semiconductor quantum dot array to induce a local quantum coherent dynamical $\ell-$bit exhibiting the potential to be used as logical qubits. These dynamical $\ell-$bits are responsible for the model being many-body localized. We show that these dynamical $\ell-$bits and the corresponding many-body localization are protected from all noises, including phonons, for sufficiently long times if electron-phonon interaction is not non-local. We further show the implementation of thermalization-based self-correcting logical gates. This thermalization-based error correction goes beyond the standard paradigm of decoherence-free and noiseless subsystems. Our work thus opens a new venue for passive quantum error correction in semiconductor-based quantum computers.


通过量子点模拟器中的 Stark 多体定位保护环境的相干性

半导体平台正在成为一种有前途的存储和处理量子信息的架构,例如在量子点自旋量子位中。然而,对于量子计算机来说,来自电子之间相互作用的电荷噪声以及许多量子位的可扩展性是一个主要限制因素。我们证明,可以在半导体量子点阵列中实现磁场梯度,以诱导局部量子相干动态$\ell-$位,表现出用作逻辑量子位的潜力。这些动态 $\ell-$bits 负责模型的多体局部化。我们证明,如果电子-声子相互作用不是非局域的,那么这些动态$\ell-$位和相应的多体局域化将在足够长的时间内免受包括声子在内的所有噪声的影响。我们进一步展示了基于热化的自校正逻辑门的实现。这种基于热化的纠错超越了无退相干和无噪声子系统的标准范例。因此,我们的工作为基于半导体的量子计算机中的被动量子纠错开辟了新的场所。