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Climatic conditions and landscape diversity predict plant–bee interactions and pollen deposition in bee-pollinated plants
Ecography ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1111/ecog.07138
Markus A. K. Sydenham 1 , Yoko L. Dupont 2 , Anders Nielsen 3 , Jens M. Olesen 2 , Henning B. Madsen 4 , Astrid B. Skrindo 1 , Claus Rasmussen 5 , Megan S. Nowell 1 , Zander S. Venter 1 , Stein Joar Hegland 6 , Anders G. Helle 6 , Daniel I. J. Skoog 1 , Marianne S. Torvanger 1 , Kaj‐Andreas Hanevik 1 , Sven Emil Hinderaker 3 , Thorstein Paulsen 3 , Katrine Eldegard 7 , Trond Reitan 8 , Graciela M. Rusch 9

Climate change, landscape homogenization, and the decline of beneficial insects threaten pollination services to wild plants and crops. Understanding how pollination potential (i.e. the capacity of ecosystems to support pollination of plants) is affected by climate change and landscape homogenization is fundamental for our ability to predict how such anthropogenic stressors affect plant biodiversity. Models of pollinator potential are improved when based on pairwise plant–pollinator interactions and pollinator's plant preferences. However, whether the sum of predicted pairwise interactions with a plant within a habitat (a proxy for pollination potential) relates to pollen deposition on flowering plants has not yet been investigated. We sampled plant–bee interactions in 68 Scandinavian plant communities in landscapes of varying land-cover heterogeneity along a latitudinal temperature gradient of 4–8°C, and estimated pollen deposition as the number of pollen grains on flowers of the bee-pollinated plants Lotus corniculatus and Vicia cracca. We show that plant–bee interactions, and the pollination potential for these bee-pollinated plants increase with landscape diversity, annual mean temperature, and plant abundance, and decrease with distances to sand-dominated soils. Furthermore, the pollen deposition in flowers increased with the predicted pollination potential, which was driven by landscape diversity and plant abundance. Our study illustrates that the pollination potential, and thus pollen deposition, for wild plants can be mapped based on spatial models of plant–bee interactions that incorporate pollinator-specific plant preferences. Maps of pollination potential can be used to guide conservation and restoration planning.



气候变化、景观同质化和有益昆虫的减少威胁着野生植物和农作物的授粉服务。了解授粉潜力(即生态系统支持植物授粉的能力)如何受到气候变化和景观同质化的影响,对于我们预测此类人为应激源如何影响植物生物多样性的能力至关重要。基于成对的植物-传粉者相互作用和传粉者的植物偏好,传粉者潜力模型得到了改进。然而,预测的与栖息地内植物的成对相互作用的总和(授粉潜力的代表)是否与开花植物上的花粉沉积有关尚未得到研究。我们对 68 个斯堪的纳维亚植物群落中的植物与蜜蜂相互作用进行了采样,这些植物群落位于不同土地覆盖异质性的景观中,沿纬度温度梯度为 4-8°C,并根据蜜蜂授粉植物莲花花朵上的花粉粒数量来估计花粉沉积量。百脉根野豌豆。我们表明,植物与蜜蜂的相互作用以及这些蜜蜂授粉植物的授粉潜力随着景观多样性、年平均温度和植物丰度的增加而增加,并随着与沙质土壤的距离的增加而减少。此外,花朵中的花粉沉积量随着预测的授粉潜力的增加而增加,这是由景观多样性和植物丰度驱动的。我们的研究表明,野生植物的授粉潜力以及花粉沉积可以根据植物与蜜蜂相互作用的空间模型进行绘制,其中包含传粉者特定的植物偏好。授粉潜力图可用于指导保护和恢复规划。