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ComSoc Marketing Activities
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.2024.10582823
Robert Schober , Zhi Ding

The Marketing Standing Committee of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) oversees ComSoc's marketing program and works closely with the ComSoc marketing staff to plan, develop, and implement the marketing plan approved by the Board of Governors. In this issue of the President's Page, I am pleased to introduce Zhi Ding, the ComSoC Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), to share with you ComSoc's ongoing activities and plans for marketing.


ComSoc 营销活动

IEEE 通信协会 (ComSoc) 的营销常务委员会负责监督 ComSoc 的营销计划,并与 ComSoc 营销人员密切合作,规划、制定和实施理事会批准的营销计划。本期总裁专页,我很高兴介绍ComSoC首席营销官(CMO)志丁,与大家分享ComSoc正在进行的营销活动和计划。