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The germline coordinates mitokine signaling
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.06.010
Koning Shen 1 , Jenni Durieux 2 , Cesar G Mena 2 , Brant M Webster 1 , C Kimberly Tsui 1 , Hanlin Zhang 1 , Larry Joe 2 , Kristen M Berendzen 3 , Andrew Dillin 4

The ability of mitochondria to coordinate stress responses across tissues is critical for health. In , neurons experiencing mitochondrial stress elicit an inter-tissue signaling pathway through the release of mitokine signals, such as serotonin or the Wnt ligand EGL-20, which activate the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR) in the periphery to promote organismal health and lifespan. We find that germline mitochondria play a surprising role in neuron-to-periphery UPR signaling. Specifically, we find that germline mitochondria signal downstream of neuronal mitokines, Wnt and serotonin, and upstream of lipid metabolic pathways in the periphery to regulate UPR activation. We also find that the germline tissue itself is essential for UPR signaling. We propose that the germline has a central signaling role in coordinating mitochondrial stress responses across tissues, and germline mitochondria play a defining role in this coordination because of their inherent roles in germline integrity and inter-tissue signaling.



线粒体协调跨组织应激反应的能力对于健康至关重要。在 中,经历线粒体应激的神经元通过释放丝分裂素信号(例如血清素或 Wnt 配体 EGL-20)引发组织间信号传导通路,这些信号激活外周的线粒体未折叠蛋白反应(UPR),以促进机体健康和寿命。我们发现种系线粒体在神经元到外周 UPR 信号传导中发挥着令人惊讶的作用。具体来说,我们发现种系线粒体向神经元线粒体因子、Wnt 和血清素的下游以及外周脂质代谢途径的上游发出信号,以调节 UPR 激活。我们还发现种系组织本身对于 UPR 信号传导至关重要。我们认为,种系在协调跨组织的线粒体应激反应中具有核心信号作用,并且种系线粒体由于其在种系完整性和组织间信号传导中的固有作用而在这种协调中发挥着决定性作用。