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Formal Olefinic C−H Phosphinylation via Alkenyl Sulfonium Salts
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202400457
Juan Ma 1 , Jie Lin 1 , Mingrui Li 2 , Liandi Wang 2 , Kaikai Wu 2 , Yong-Gui Zhou 1 , Zhengkun Yu 2

Formal olefinic C−P cross‐coupling between alkenyl sulfonium salts and secondary phosphine oxides and H‐phosphinates has been developed. A base enables construction of alkenyl C−P bonds as well as aliphatic C−P bonds at ambient temperature under an air atmosphere. This protocol provides an alternative access to multisubstituted alkenyl phosphine oxides and phosphinates in 40‐99% yields from functionalized alkenes through an interrupted Pummerer activation/base‐promoted olefinic C−S bond phosphinylation sequence. The gram‐scale preparation and feasible derivatization have demonstrated the applicability of the resultant alkenylphosphine oxides.


通过烯基锍盐进行缩甲醛 C−H 膦酰化

烯基锍盐与仲氧化膦和 H-次膦酸盐之间的形式烯属 C-P 交叉偶联已被开发出来。碱基能够在环境温度和空气气氛下构建烯基 C-P 键以及脂肪族 C-P 键。该方案提供了一种通过中断的Pummerer活化/碱基促进的烯烃C-S键次膦酰化序列从功能化烯烃中获得多取代烯基氧化膦和次膦酸盐的替代方法,产率为40-99%。克级制备和可行的衍生化证明了所得烯基氧化膦的适用性。