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Revealing gene function with statistical inference at single-cell resolution
Nature Reviews Genetics ( IF 39.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41576-024-00750-w
Cole Trapnell 1, 2, 3, 4

Single-cell and spatial molecular profiling assays have shown large gains in sensitivity, resolution and throughput. Applying these technologies to specimens from human and model organisms promises to comprehensively catalogue cell types, reveal their lineage origins in development and discern their contributions to disease pathogenesis. Moreover, rapidly dropping costs have made well-controlled perturbation experiments and cohort studies widely accessible, illuminating mechanisms that give rise to phenotypes at the scale of the cell, the tissue and the whole organism. Interpreting the coming flood of single-cell data, much of which will be spatially resolved, will place a tremendous burden on existing computational pipelines. However, statistical concepts, models, tools and algorithms can be repurposed to solve problems now arising in genetic and molecular biology studies of development and disease. Here, I review how the questions that recent technological innovations promise to answer can be addressed by the major classes of statistical tools.



