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Strain distribution in WS2 monolayers detected through polarization-resolved second harmonic generation
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-66065-2
George Kourmoulakis 1, 2 , Sotiris Psilodimitrakopoulos 1 , George Miltos Maragkakis 1, 3 , Leonidas Mouchliadis 1 , Antonios Michail 4, 5 , Joseph A Christodoulides 6 , Manoj Tripathi 7 , Alan B Dalton 7 , John Parthenios 5 , Konstantinos Papagelis 5, 8 , Emmanuel Stratakis 1, 3 , George Kioseoglou 1, 2

Two-dimensional (2D) graphene and graphene-related materials (GRMs) show great promise for future electronic devices. GRMs exhibit distinct properties under the influence of the substrate that serves as support through uneven compression/ elongation of GRMs surface atoms. Strain in GRM monolayers is the most common feature that alters the interatomic distances and band structure, providing a new degree of freedom that allows regulation of their electronic properties and introducing the field of straintronics. Having an all-optical and minimally invasive detection tool that rapidly probes strain in large areas of GRM monolayers, would be of great importance in the research and development of novel 2D devices. Here, we use Polarization-resolved Second Harmonic Generation (P-SHG) optical imaging to identify strain distribution, induced in a single layer of WS2 placed on a pre-patterned Si/SiO2 substrate with cylindrical wells. By fitting the P-SHG data pixel-by-pixel, we produce spatially resolved images of the crystal armchair direction. In regions where the WS2 monolayer conforms to the pattern topography, a distinct cross-shaped pattern is evident in the armchair image owing to strain. The presence of strain in these regions is independently confirmed using a combination of atomic force microscopy and Raman mapping.


通过偏振分辨二次谐波产生检测 WS2 单层中的应变分布

二维 (2D) 石墨烯和石墨烯相关材料 (GRM) 在未来的电子设备中展现出巨大的前景。 GRM 在基底的影响下表现出独特的特性,基底通过 GRM 表面原子的不均匀压缩/伸长作为支撑。 GRM 单层中的应变是改变原子间距离和能带结构的最常见特征,提供了新的自由度,允许调节其电子特性并引入应变电子学领域。拥有一种全光学、微创的检测工具,可以快速探测大面积 GRM 单层的应变,对于新型 2D 器件的研究和开发非常重要。在这里,我们使用偏振分辨二次谐波产生 (P-SHG) 光学成像来识别在带有圆柱形孔的预图案化 Si/SiO 2基板上放置的单层 WS 2中引起的应变分布。通过逐像素拟合 P-SHG 数据,我们生成了水晶扶手椅方向的空间分辨图像。在 WS 2单层符合图案形貌的区域中,由于应变,扶手椅图像中明显出现明显的十字形图案。使用原子力显微镜和拉曼图谱的结合独立证实了这些区域中应变的存在。
