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Womens Health And Manifestos (WHAM): UK General Election 2024, a rapid voter information study
medRxiv - Health Policy Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.30.24309732
Edward Mullins , Kate Womersely , Fardowsa Abdi , Celestine Donovan-Bradley , Christine Ekechi , Leah Hazard , Jane Hirst , Melanie Nana , Alison Perry , Ana-Catarina Pinho-Gomes , Katherine Ripullone , Stephanie Williams

Background The UK 2024 general election manifestos publicly set out the political parties priorities for the eventuality that they are voted into government. We determined to evaluate whether already agreed, evidenced and promoted issues affecting womens health in the UK had been included in the major parties manifestos. Methods We curated a longlist of priorities and recommendations drawn from major womens health reports, white papers, national inquiries and health strategies published in the UK over the last 10 years which are publicly available and invited our public contributors to suggest additional topics. We selected the shortlist of womens health-related priorities - our top 15 asks - using a Delphi process. We then devised a scoring system whereby manifestos were marked against the 15 priorities with a maximum of 2 points for each priority. We tested inter-rater reliability on the 2019 Manifesto. Results Overall, the limited inclusion of prominent issues for womens health in party manifestos was disappointing across the board. There was little difference between most major parties coverage of womens health in their manifestos. All were limited. Most parties addressed two issues well: childcare and women returning to work after pregnancy; and violence against women and girls and the prosecution of perpetrators. Several other issues, including assurance that all policy is built in consultation with women; decriminalisation and access to abortion; and womens health hubs for reproductive, menopause and lifelong health, were considered by none or only one of the major parties. Discussion Womens health remains a fringe issue in UK politics, despite the efforts of patients, advocates and healthcare professionals to highlight the suffering that many women live with every day, and at particularly vulnerable and high risk periods of their life such as in pregnancy and the postpartum. Our analysis highlights the importance of developing previous efforts in womens health to strengthen existing infrastructure, collaboration and innovation. The next government should build on the work in progress, such as delivering the Womens Health Strategy (2022) rather than starting afresh.


女性健康与宣言 (WHAM):2024 年英国大选,一项快速选民信息研究

背景 英国 2024 年大选宣言公开列出了各政党在当选政府后的优先事项。我们决定评估已经商定、证实和促进的影响英国妇女健康的问题是否已纳入主要政党宣言中。方法 我们根据过去 10 年来英国发布的主要女性健康报告、白皮书、国家调查和健康战略,整理出了一长串优先事项和建议,这些报告已公开发布,并邀请我们的公共撰稿人提出其他主题。我们使用德尔菲流程选出了女性健康相关优先事项的候选清单(我们的前 15 个问题)。然后,我们设计了一个评分系统,根据 15 个优先事项对宣言进行标记,每个优先事项最多 2 分。我们测试了 2019 年宣言的评估者间可靠性。结果 总体而言,政党宣言中对妇女健康突出问题的有限纳入总体令人失望。大多数主要政党在其宣言中对妇女健康的报道几乎没有什么区别。一切都是有限的。大多数政党很好地解决了两个问题:儿童保育和妇女怀孕后重返工作岗位;暴力侵害妇女和女童行为以及起诉肇事者。其他几个问题,包括确保所有政策都是在与妇女协商的情况下制定的;非刑事化和堕胎的机会;以及妇女生殖、更年期和终身健康保健中心,没有或只有一个主要缔约方没有审议过。 讨论 尽管患者、倡导者和医疗保健专业人员努力强调许多女性每天承受的痛苦,特别是在她们生命中特别脆弱和高风险的时期,例如怀孕和分娩期间,但女性健康仍然是英国政坛的一个边缘问题。产后。我们的分析强调了发展先前在妇女健康方面的努力以加强现有基础设施、合作和创新的重要性。下一届政府应以正在进行的工作为基础,例如实施《妇女健康战略》(2022 年),而不是重新开始。