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Regional fertility predictors based on socioeconomic determinants in Slovakia
Journal of Population Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s12546-024-09340-3
Janetta Nestorová Dická , Filip Lipták

The study's primary purpose was to recognise the effects of determinants on the level of fertility and thereby explain the differences in trends in the regions of Slovakia. At the turn of the century, the differences in fertility in regions increased, but the total fertility rate decreased. Multivariate statistical methods clarified the regional effects of the level and nature of fertility. Initial regression surveys indicated weak effects between regions, which led to applying factor and cluster analysis to establish regional types. Comprehensive regression analysis was then applied. The strength and nature of regional relationships differed at the inter- and intra-regional levels. Research has demonstrated significant differences in fertility rates dependent on the socioeconomic environment, as regional types uniquely link to determinants. Moreover, each determinant has specific spatial patterns with unequal regression coefficients at different regional levels, which cannot be evaluated constantly. Knowing how spatial variation in fecundity occurs will enable future studies to elucidate the processes involved. Finally, fertility is vital for social assessment and policy formulation, the study’s findings could inform local decision-makers and planners in identifying the socioeconomic conditions underlying fertility at the regional level and planning appropriate intervention strategies.



