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Where is women’s healthcare in the political party manifestos?
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1457
Kate Womersley , Jane E Hirst , Edward Mullins

All political manifestos for the 2024 UK general election have now been published, setting out the parties’ priorities and promises across a range of issues. An Ipsos poll in May 2024 showed that 35% of the 1015 respondents named the NHS as the most important issue facing Britain today. This was voted the highest priority with the largest number of votes and was up by six percentage points from April, even ahead of inflation among voters’ priorities (it’s the healthcare system, stupid!) Health strategy is caught in an “amnesiac cycle” when ministers and governments change. They often forget what has come before, and sometimes even what they promised in their manifestos, which undermines a long term strategy on health. While spending on the NHS is a proposed priority for most political parties in this election, elements crucial to health have less certain support. Furthering women’s health has been held back by inadequate inclusion of women in clinical research and trials, failure to fund and ensure safe maternity care, minimisation of “benign” conditions such as endometriosis and the menopause, and a dearth of women’s voices in economic and policy arenas. Only one political party has a woman co-leader for the 2024 election—Carla Denyer of the Greens—and just 30% of parliamentary candidates are women (and less than 20% for Reform).1 The women’s health and research community has been neither idle, nor quiet, in advocating for the women we …



2024 年英国大选的所有政治宣言现已发布,列出了各党在一系列问题上的优先事项和承诺。益普索 (Ipsos) 2024 年 5 月的一项民意调查显示,1015 名受访者中有 35% 的人将 NHS 视为当今英国面临的最重要问题。这被选为票数最多的最高优先事项,比 4 月份上升了 6 个百分点,甚至领先于选民优先事项中的通货膨胀(这是医疗保健系统,愚蠢的!) 健康战略陷入了“失忆循环”,当部长和政府发生变化。他们经常忘记以前发生的事情,有时甚至忘记他们在宣言中承诺的事情,这破坏了长期健康战略。虽然国民保健服务支出是大多数政党在这次选举中提出的优先事项,但对健康至关重要的因素却没有得到确定的支持。由于妇女参与临床研究和试验的不足、未能资助和确保安全的孕产妇护理、子宫内膜异位症和更年期等“良性”状况的最小化以及妇女在经济和政策方面缺乏发言权,促进妇女健康受到阻碍竞技场。只有一个政党在 2024 年选举中拥有一位女性联合领导人——绿党的卡拉·丹耶 (Carla Denyer)——而且只有 30% 的议会候选人是女性(改革派的这一比例不到 20%)。1 妇女健康和研究界也没有做到这一点无所事事,也不安静,为我们的女性辩护……