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Diversification over deep and shallow temporal scales in the Holarctic genus Perpolita (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae078
Takumi Saito 1 , Jeffrey C Nekola 1 , Markéta Nováková 1 , Eva Líznarová 1 , Takahiro Hirano 2 , Veronika Horsáková 1 , Michal Horsák 1

The Holarctic land snail genus Perpolita was used to explore the influence of past and current biogeography on diversification. The number of empirically-supported species was determined using a consensus between mtDNA sequence, nDNA sequence, conchology, and geographic and ecological range with five valid temperate-boreal species (Perpolita binneyana, Perpolita electrina, Perpolita hammonis, Perpolita petronella, and Perpolita radiatella) being recognized. Only P. petronella was unchanged in both nomenclature and diagnostic characteristics with the remainder requiring alterations. Perhaps the most important of these was elevation of P. radiatella to a valid species, with its populations having been previously lumped either under European P. hammonis or North American P. electrina. Divergence times of 18.7–10.0 Mya were suggested through genome-wide SNPs in combination with the fossil record, indicating a pre-Pleistocene origin for all Perpolita species. Using genetically-confirmed diagnostic shell characters, we accumulated > 2000 valid occurrences and used these to estimate appropriate modern and Last Glacial Maximum climate extents for all species. These models suggest that modern intra-specific gene pool diversity may generally reflect Pleistocene palaeoclimatology.


Holarctic 属 Perpolita(腹足纲:Gastrodontidae)深层和浅层时间尺度的多样化

Holarctic 陆地蜗牛属 Perpolita 用于探索过去和现在的生物地理学对多元化的影响。使用 mtDNA 序列、nDNA 序列、贝壳学以及地理和生态范围之间的共识来确定经验支持的物种数量,其中识别了五个有效的温带-北方物种 (Perpolita binneyana、Perpolita electrina、Perpolita hammonis、Perpolita petronella 和 Perpolita radiatella)。只有 P. petronella 在命名和诊断特征上没有变化,其余需要改变。也许其中最重要的是将 P. radiatella 提升为一个有效的物种,其种群以前被归类为欧洲 P. hammonis 或北美 P. electrina。通过全基因组 SNP 结合化石记录,表明所有 Perpolita 物种的分化时间为 18.7-10.0 Mya,表明所有 Perpolita 物种都起源于更新世前。使用经基因证实的诊断壳特征,我们积累了 > 2000 个有效出现,并使用这些来估计所有物种的适当现代和末次冰期最大气候范围。这些模型表明,现代种内基因库多样性通常可能反映了更新世的古气候学。