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Redefining family structures: Births out of wedlock in 21st century Greece
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2806
Vasilis S. Gavalas 1 , Michail Raftakis 2

This study explores Greece's unique position as the country with the lowest nonmarital childbearing rate in Europe. The socio‐demographic profile of mothers is being analysed in three categories of marital status: married, unmarried, and in civil partnership. Unpublished data, custom‐made exclusively for this study from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), have been used, spanning from 2019 to 2021. Key focus areas include maternal age at childbirth, educational attainment, and nationality (Greek, EU27 except for Greek, and non‐EU). Geographical analysis is conducted at the Regional Unit level (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics [NUTS] 3 classification). Findings reveal that Greek teenage and early twenties mothers, as well as those with low educational level, are more likely to be unwed, implying that maternity might have come because of an unplanned pregnancy. On the other hand, those in civil partnerships resemble married mothers in age and educational attainment. Non‐Greek nationals show a higher prevalence of nonmarital births, and a sociodemographic profile that implies that unwed maternity constitutes a conscious choice for them. This study not only illuminates the characteristics of unwed mothers in Greece but also provides empirical insights for evaluating prevailing theoretical frameworks regarding family dynamics in countries facing low fertility rates.



本研究探讨了希腊作为欧洲非婚生育率最低国家的独特地位。母亲的社会人口特征按婚姻状况的三类进行分析:已婚、未婚和民事伴侣。使用了希腊统计局 (ELSTAT) 专门为本研究定制的未发表数据,时间跨度为 2019 年至 2021 年。重点关注领域包括母亲的分娩年龄、受教育程度和国籍(希腊语、除希腊语外的欧盟 27 国) ,和非欧盟)。地理分析是在区域单位级别进行的(统计领土单位命名法 [NUTS] 3 分类)。调查结果显示,希腊十几岁和二十岁出头的母亲以及受教育程度较低的母亲更有可能未婚,这意味着怀孕可能是由于意外怀孕而发生的。另一方面,民事伴侣的女性在年龄和教育程度上与已婚母亲相似。非希腊国民非婚生育的比例较高,社会人口特征表明未婚生育是他们的有意识选择。这项研究不仅阐明了希腊未婚母亲的特征,还为评估低生育率国家家庭动态的流行理论框架提供了实证见解。