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Cracking the consumers’ code: A framework for understanding the artificial intelligence–consumer interface
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2024.101832
Valentina O Ubal 1 , Monika Lisjak 2 , Martin Mende 2

This review presents a framework for understanding how consumers respond to artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies, such as robots, algorithms, or chatbots. Drawing on a systematic review of the literature (N = 111), we describe how AI technologies influence a variety of consumer-relevant outcomes, including consumer satisfaction and the propensity to rely on AI. We also highlight the important role that consumer characteristics along with contextual characteristics (i.e., the micro and macro context) play in shaping the AI-consumer interaction. We then discuss novel theoretical perspectives that could shed light on the psychological processes triggered by AI-consumer interactions. We conclude by adopting a meta-scientific perspective and discussing how AI may change the process of scientific discovery.



这篇评论提出了一个框架,用于了解消费者如何应对人工智能 (AI) 和相关技术(例如机器人、算法或聊天机器人)。通过对文献(N = 111)的系统回顾,我们描述了人工智能技术如何影响各种与消费者相关的结果,包括消费者满意度和依赖人工智能的倾向。我们还强调了消费者特征以及情境特征(即微观和宏观情境)在塑造人工智能与消费者互动中发挥的重要作用。然后,我们讨论新颖的理论观点,这些观点可以揭示人工智能与消费者互动引发的心理过程。最后,我们采用元科学的视角并讨论人工智能如何改变科学发现的过程。