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Urine osmolality assessment through the integration of urea hydrolysis and impedance measurement
Lab on a Chip ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1039/d4lc00114a
Tian Fook Kong 1 , Xinhui Shen 1 , Mei Yi Sim 2 , Jin Yong 2 , Tze Kiat Ng 2 , Tsung Wen Chong 2 , Marcos 1

We present the development and validation of an impedance-based urine osmometer for accurate and portable measurement of urine osmolality. The urine osmolality of a urine sample can be estimated by determining the concentrations of the conductive solutes and urea, which make up approximately 94% of the urine composition. Our method utilizes impedance measurements to determine the conductive solutes and urea after hydrolysis with urease enzyme. We built an impedance model using sodium chloride (NaCl) and urea at various known concentrations. In this work, we validated the accuracy of the impedance-based urine osmometer by developing a proof-of-concept first prototype and an integrated urine dipstick second prototype, where both prototypes exhibit an average accuracy of 95.5 ± 2.4% and 89.9 ± 9.1%, respectively in comparison to a clinical freezing point osmometer in the hospital laboratory. While the integrated dipstick design exhibited a slightly lower accuracy than the first prototype, it eliminated the need for pre-mixing or manual pipetting. Impedance calibration curves for conductive and non-conductive solutes consistently yielded results for NaCl but underscored challenges in achieving uniform urease enzyme coating on the dipstick. We also investigated the impact of storing urine at room temperature for 24 hours, demonstrating negligible differences in osmolality values. Overall, our impedance-based urine osmometer presents a promising tool for point-of-care urine osmolality measurements, addressing the demand for a portable, accurate, and user-friendly device with potential applications in clinical and home settings.



我们介绍了基于阻抗的尿液渗透压计的开发和验证,用于准确、便携式测量尿液渗透压。尿液样本的尿液渗透压可以通过测定导电溶质和尿素的浓度来估计,它们约占尿液成分的 94%。我们的方法利用阻抗测量来确定脲酶水解后的导电溶质和尿素。我们使用各种已知浓度的氯化钠 (NaCl) 和尿素建立了阻抗模型。在这项工作中,我们通过开发概念验证第一个原型和集成尿液试纸第二个原型来验证基于阻抗的尿液渗透压计的准确性,这两个原型的平均准确度分别为 95.5 ± 2.4% 和 89.9 ± 9.1% ,分别与医院实验室的临床冰点渗透压计进行比较。虽然集成量油尺设计的精度比第一个原型略低,但它消除了预混合或手动移液的需要。导电和非导电溶质的阻抗校准曲线始终得出 NaCl 的结果,但强调了在量油尺上实现均匀脲酶涂层的挑战。我们还研究了在室温下储存尿液 24 小时的影响,结果表明渗透压值的差异可以忽略不计。总体而言,我们的基于阻抗的尿液渗透压计为即时尿渗透压测量提供了一种很有前途的工具,满足了对便携式、准确且用户友好的设备的需求,并在临床和家庭环境中具有潜在的应用。