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Gravity waves as a mechanism of troposphere–stratosphere–mesosphere coupling during sudden stratospheric warming
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-1856
Gordana Jovanovic

Abstract. The propagation of gravity waves (GW) and their role in the coupling of the troposphere–stratosphere–mesosphere atmospheric layers during sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) are studied. A standard set of hydrodynamic equations (HD) is used to derive the analytical dispersion equations and the GWs reflection coefficient. These equations are applied to the troposphere–stratosphere and stratosphere–mesosphere boundaries to analyze which part of the GWs spectra has the greatest chance of crossing them and affecting the dynamics of the upper atmosphere. We found that the GWreflection coefficient at the troposphere–stratosphere boundary increases significantly during SSW. This is not the case for the reflection coefficient at the stratosphere–mesosphere boundary when the reflection coefficient decreases compared to its value in the no–SSW case. The generation of GWs in the stratosphere during the SSW is responsible for the reduction of the reflection coefficient. However, these additional GW fluxes are not sufficient to compensate for the reduction of GW fluxes coming from the troposphere to the mesosphere. As a result, there is mesospheric cooling accompanied by SSW events.



摘要。研究了平流层突然变暖(SSW)期间重力波(GW)的传播及其在对流层-平流层-中间层大气层耦合中的作用。使用一组标准的流体动力学方程 (HD) 来推导解析色散方程和 GW 反射系数。这些方程应用于对流层-平流层和平流层-中层边界,以分析引力波光谱的哪一部分最有可能穿过它们并影响高层大气的动态。我们发现,SSW期间对流层-平流层边界处的GW反射系数显着增加。对于平流层-中间层边界处的反射系数而言,情况并非如此,当反射系数与其在无 SSW 情况下的值相比有所下降时。 SSW期间平流层中引力波的产生是反射系数降低的原因。然而,这些额外的引力波通量不足以补偿从对流层到中间层的引力波通量的减少。结果,伴随着SSW事件出现中层冷却。