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June top picks: finding your place in medicine
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1434
Éabha Lynn

I write this article during my final afternoon in the house where I’ve spent much of my early 20s. Earlier, I had visited The BMJ offices in London and said goodbye to some of the friends and colleagues who have made this job so special. For many of my friends from medical school, today was their last day at university. Some of the BMJ Student team are, literally, tomorrow’s doctors. My gap year seems to be making my medical school experience last forever, however, I’ve learnt that this is a fleeting period. Three years ago, I sat in the same empty attic bedroom that I now write in, a lonely and directionless 20 year old. This evening, I will leave …



我在我二十岁出头的房子里度过了大部分时间的最后一个下午写了这篇文章。早些时候,我参观了 BMJ 位于伦敦的办公室,并向一些使这份工作变得如此特别的朋友和同事道别。对于我医学院的许多朋友来说,今天是他们在大学的最后一天。 BMJ 学生团队中的一些人实际上是明天的医生。我的间隔年似乎让我的医学院经历永远持续下去,然而,我知道这是一个转瞬即逝的时期。三年前,我坐在同一个空荡荡的阁楼卧室里,现在也是我写作的地方,一个孤独、迷失方向的 20 岁年轻人。今天晚上,我就要离开……