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HTE OS: A High-Throughput Experimentation Workflow Built from the Ground Up
Organic Process Research & Development ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.4c00160
Georg Wuitschik 1 , Vera Jost 1 , Torsten Schindler 1 , Michal Jakubik 2

HTE OS is a free, open-source high-throughput experimentation workflow that supports practitioners from experiment submission all the way to results presentation. A core Google Sheet is responsible for reaction planning and execution as well as for communication with users and robots. All generated data are funneled into Spotfire where users analyze it. Tools for parsing of LCMS data and translation of chemical identifiers provide data-wrangling capabilities to complete the workflow.


HTE OS:从头开始构建的高通量实验工作流程

HTE OS 是一个免费、开源的高通量实验工作流程,为从业人员从实验提交一直到结果呈现提供支持。核心 Google Sheet 负责反应计划和执行以及与用户和机器人的通信。所有生成的数据都会汇集到 Spotfire 中,供用户分析。用于解析 LCMS 数据和翻译化学标识符的工具提供数据整理功能来完成工作流程。