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Cyclobutrifluram (TYMIRIUM® technology): Low risks of a soil applied nematicide and fungicide to non-target soil invertebrates and bees
Crop Protection ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2024.106822
Helen Thompson , F. Javier Peris-Felipo , Natalia Peranginangin , Mike Pocock , Ana Lia Gayan-Quijano

Cyclobutrifluram (TYMIRIUM® technology) is a seed- and soil-applied nematicide and fungicide which protects the plant root mass. Cyclobutrifluram acts by inhibiting mitochondrial complex II electron transport and succinate dehydrogenase inhibition (SDHI). Concerns over the potential adverse effects on non-target species were addressed by assessing whether recommended field application rates of cyclobutrifluram would result in adverse impacts on soil invertebrates or honeybees. Studies conducted under laboratory conditions with the active ingredient and two formulations provided No Observed Effect Concentrations for earthworm () reproduction of 71–171 mg a.i./kg dry soil with no effects on soil mite ( reproduction. There were no effects on honeybee () adults or larvae following chronic exposure to doses up to 400 and 160 mg/kg diet respectively. Using Brazil as a target market (soybean seed treatment and in-furrow application in fruiting vegetables), our laboratory studies indicate that the risk to two species of soil invertebrates and honeybees of the use of cyclobutrifluram either in-furrow or as a seed treatment was orders of magnitude below any levels of concern.


环丁氟酰胺(TYMIRIUM® 技术):土壤施用杀线虫剂和杀菌剂对非目标土壤无脊椎动物和蜜蜂的风险较低

Cyclobutrifluram(TYMIRIUM® 技术)是一种用于种子和土壤的杀线虫剂和杀菌剂,可保护植物根部。 Cyclobutrifluram 通过抑制线粒体复合物 II 电子传递和琥珀酸脱氢酶抑制 (SDHI) 发挥作用。通过评估环丁氟酰胺的推荐田间施用量是否会对土壤无脊椎动物或蜜蜂产生不利影响,解决了对非目标物种潜在不利影响的担忧。在实验室条件下使用活性成分和两种配方进行的研究表明,71–171 mg a.i./kg 干土的浓度对蚯蚓 () 繁殖没有观察到影响,对土壤螨 () 繁殖没有影响。对蜜蜂 () 成虫没有影响或幼虫长期暴露于剂量分别高达 400 和 160 毫克/公斤的饮食中。以巴西为目标市场(大豆种子处理和果类蔬菜沟内施用),我们的实验室研究表明,对两种土壤存在风险。无脊椎动物和蜜蜂在犁沟中或作为种子处理剂使用环丁氟酰胺的情况比任何关注水平低几个数量级。