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Characterization of Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira, 1940 (Tylenchida: Hoplolaimidae) in a banana greenhouse in Turkey
Crop Protection ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2024.106821
İbrahim Halil Elekcioğlu , Ece Börteçine Kasapoğlu Uludamar , Sümeyya Vuslat Dişkaya , Salim Avcıoğlu , Behçet Kemal Çağlar

The banana plant was previously cultivated in open areas in Turkey and in very limited areas due to its special climatic requirements. In recent years, greenhouses where vegetables are cultivated have been converted into greenhouses suitable for banana cultivation. No studies have been carried out on nematodes in these banana greenhouses converted to banana cultivation. In order to effectively manage plant parasitic nematodes, it is essential to have an understanding of the specific species that are causing crop damage. In 2021–2022, a survey was conducted in new banana areas in the Kazanlı district of Mersin province. The nematode population obtained from a banana grown in greenhouses was identified using morphological and molecular characters and SEM. To characterise specimens at a molecular level, DNA was extracted from immature females. The D2-D3 expansion region of the 28 S rRNA gene was amplified using the D2A/D3B primer pair, producing a 780 bp product. Additionally, the I gene was amplified using the JB3/JB5 primer pair, producing a 470 bp product. The resulting PCR products were sequenced and compared to species available in the GenBank database. was detected in banana greenhouse. This is the first record of in the nematode fauna of Türkiye.


Linford 和 Oliveira,1940 年土耳其香蕉温室中的 Rotylenchulus reniformis(垫刃虫:Hoplolaimidae)的特征

香蕉植物以前在土耳其的开阔地区种植,由于其特殊的气候要求,其种植面积非常有限。近年来,种植蔬菜的温室被改造成适合香蕉种植的温室。尚未对这些转变为香蕉种植的香蕉温室中的线虫进行研究。为了有效地管理植物寄生线虫,必须了解造成作物损害的特定物种。 2021年至2022年,对梅尔辛省卡赞利区的新香蕉种植区进行了调查。使用形态和分子特征以及 SEM 鉴定从温室种植的香蕉中获得的线虫种群。为了在分子水平上表征样本,从未成熟的雌性中提取了 DNA。使用 D2A/D3B 引物对扩增 28 S rRNA 基因的 D2-D3 扩展区域,产生 780 bp 的产物。此外,使用 JB3/JB5 引物对扩增 I 基因,产生 470 bp 的产物。对所得 PCR 产物进行测序并与 GenBank 数据库中可用的物种进行比较。在香蕉温室中检测到。这是土耳其线虫动物群的首次记录。