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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), resilience, and outcomes in older adulthood: A scoping review
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106864
Kelsey M. Haczkewicz , Sheza Shahid , Heather A. Finnegan , Caroline Monnin , Courtney D. Cameron , Natasha L. Gallant

Previous research has demonstrated a dose-response relationship between exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and adverse outcomes in adulthood. Despite widely known associations, previous reviews have primarily focused on outcomes in younger and middle-aged adults exposed to ACEs to the exclusion of older adults and do not consider the potential role of resilience for understanding outcomes in older adulthood. The present scoping review aimed to examine the extent and nature of existing literature on the influence of ACEs and resilience on the cognitive, physical, mental, and social health outcomes among older adults. We conducted a search of five electronic databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, AgeLine, Scopus) using the following keywords: adversity, resilience, aging, and older adults. We limited our inclusion criteria to works published in English or French after 1998 as Felitti et al. published the first study describing ACEs in this year. Of the 4926 studies screened, 27 studies met the inclusion criteria. Overall, results from the included studies indicated that exposure to adversity during childhood was associated with worse outcomes in older adulthood. Additionally, we found that resilience and resiliency-related factors (e.g., problem-focused coping strategies) mitigated or reduced harms associated with ACEs to improve outcomes in older adulthood. Exposure to ACEs is associated with reduced functioning in later adulthood. Findings from this review indicate a need for further exploration into the role of ACEs, and the potential effects of resilience, on health outcomes in older adults to develop better individual- and population-level interventions for this group.


不良童年经历 (ACE)、复原力和老年期结果:范围界定审查

先前的研究表明,童年不良经历 (ACE) 暴露与成年后不良后果之间存在剂量反应关系。尽管相关性广为人知,但之前的评论主要关注接触 ACE 的年轻人和中年人的结果,而排除了老年人,并且没有考虑弹性对于理解老年人结果的潜在作用。本次范围界定审查旨在审查现有文献关于 ACE 和复原力对老年人认知、身体、心理和社会健康结果影响的程度和性质。我们使用以下关键词对五个电子数据库(CINAHL、MEDLINE、PsycINFO、AgeLine、Scopus)进行了检索:逆境、复原力、老龄化和老年人。我们将纳入标准限制为 1998 年之后以英语或法语出版的作品,如 Felitti 等人。今年发表了第一篇描述 ACE 的研究。在筛选的 4926 项研究中,27 项研究符合纳入标准。总体而言,纳入的研究结果表明,童年时期经历逆境与成年后的较差结果相关。此外,我们发现复原力和复原力相关因素(例如,以问题为中心的应对策略)可以减轻或减少与 ACE 相关的危害,从而改善老年期的结局。接触 ACE 与成年后期功能下降有关。本次综述的结果表明,需要进一步探索 ACE 的作用以及复原力对老年人健康结果的潜在影响,以便为该群体制定更好的个人和人口层面的干预措施。