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The impact of parental acceptance and childhood maltreatment on mental health and physical pain in Burundian survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106906
Julia Schneider , Anja C. Rukundo-Zeller , Manassé Bambonyé , Sarah Lust , Hervé Mugisha , Jean-Arnaud Muhoza , Thierry Ndayikengurukiye , Lydia Nitanga , Amini Ahmed Rushoza , Anselm Crombach

Parental support has been suggested to mitigate mental and physical consequences following childhood sexual abuse (CSA). However, many CSA survivors experience parental rejection post-CSA. We aimed to understand the impact of abuse-specific parental acceptance on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and physical pain in Burundian CSA-survivors. We further assessed the significance of parental acceptance among known risk factors for predicting PTSD. Participants ( = 131, 80.9 % female, mean age 16.21 years) were recruited via primary health care centers for survivors of sexual violence which survivors approached post-CSA. Survivors reported on PTSD symptoms, daytime/nighttime pain, and adverse childhood experiences in semi-structured interviews. Parental acceptance levels were categorized (acceptance, no acceptance, no contact) for mothers and fathers separately. Kruskal-Wallis tests assessed group differences. Conditional random forests (CRF) evaluated the significance of parental acceptance in predicting PTSD symptom severity. No significant differences regarding PTSD symptoms and physical pain between levels of maternal acceptance were obtained. Pairwise comparisons revealed significant differences in PTSD symptom severity between paternal acceptance and no acceptance ( = 1.04) and paternal acceptance and no contact ( = 0.81). The CRF identified paternal acceptance as important variable for the prediction of PTSD symptom severity. Even though results were less conclusive, medium effect sizes hint at less pain perception within the paternal acceptance group. The results highlight paternal acceptance as a potential risk or protective factor regarding psychological and possibly physical well-being in the aftermath of CSA, even in the context of other known risk factors.



有人建议父母的支持可以减轻儿童性虐待(CSA)后的精神和身体后果。然而,许多 CSA 幸存者在 CSA 后经历了父母的拒绝。我们的目的是了解父母对特定虐待行为的接受程度对布隆迪 CSA 幸存者的创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 和身体疼痛的影响。我们进一步评估了已知风险因素中父母接受度对于预测 PTSD 的重要性。参与者(= 131 名,80.9% 为女性,平均年龄 16.21 岁)是通过初级卫生保健中心招募的性暴力幸存者,幸存者在 CSA 后接触这些幸存者。幸存者在半结构化访谈中报告了创伤后应激障碍症状、白天/夜间疼痛以及不良的童年经历。父母的接受程度分别针对母亲和父亲进行分类(接受、不接受、不接触)。克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯检验评估了组间差异。条件随机森林(CRF)评估了父母接受度在预测 PTSD 症状严重程度方面的重要性。不同母亲接受程度之间的 PTSD 症状和身体疼痛没有显着差异。配对比较显示,父亲接受和不接受 (= 1.04) 以及父亲接受和不接触 (= 0.81) 之间的 PTSD 症状严重程度存在显着差异。 CRF 将父亲的接受度确定为预测 PTSD 症状严重程度的重要变量。尽管结果不太确定,但中等效应大小暗示父亲接受组的疼痛感知较少。结果强调,即使在存在其他已知风险因素的情况下,父亲的接受也是 CSA 后心理和可能身体健康的潜在风险或保护因素。