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Enhancing bird conservation in tropical urban parks through land sparing and sharing strategies: Evidence from occupancy data
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128415
Muhamad Amir Hadi , Satya Narayana , Muhammad Syafiq Yahya , Syari Jamian , Alex M. Lechner , Badrul Azhar

Urban green spaces such as parks, play a vital role in relieving pressure on urban biodiversity. In Southeast Asia, urban park management often prioritises aesthetic appeal over urban biodiversity conservation. Management of wildlife habitat at the stand and landscape scales is necessary to support land-sharing and land-sparing conservation strategies in urban environments. To date, few studies have looked at the occurrence of urban birds in the context of land sharing and sparing strategies. We investigated how resident and migratory birds utilise urban parks based on stand-level habitat characteristics and landscape metrics. We conducted point count surveys at 49 points to estimate site occupancy and detection probability in 40 parks within highly urbanised Klang Valley, Peninsular Malaysia. Out of 90 species recorded, 14 species had more than 50 % site occupancy. The abundance of palm trees, percentage of shrub, and height of ground vegetation and woody trees positively influenced the occupancy of Black-naped Oriole, Javan Myna, House Crow, Oriental Magpie-Robin, and Yellow-vented Bulbul. While the number of woody trees and elevation negatively influenced the occupancy of Asian Glossy Starling, Spotted Dove, Zebra Dove, and Common Myna. Our findings can contribute to the effective management of urban parks, considering both stand and landscape-level characteristics to support urban biodiversity, ultimately benefiting both resident and migratory bird populations. Our research emphasises the significance of implementing both land-sparing and land-sharing strategies in urban park management. By doing so, we can promote greater avian biodiversity, preserve diverse habitats for birds, and establish crucial ecological corridors within urban landscapes.



公园等城市绿地在缓解城市生物多样性压力方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在东南亚,城市公园管理往往将审美吸引力置于城市生物多样性保护之上。在林分和景观尺度上对野生动物栖息地进行管理对于支持城市环境中的土地共享和土地节约保护战略是必要的。迄今为止,很少有研究在土地共享和保护策略的背景下研究城市鸟类的出现。我们根据林分栖息地特征和景观指标调查了留鸟和候鸟如何利用城市公园。我们在马来西亚半岛高度城市化的巴生谷内的 49 个点进行了点计数调查,以估计 40 个公园的场地占用率和检测概率。在记录的 90 个物种中,有 14 个物种的栖息地占有率超过 50%。棕榈树的丰度、灌木的比例以及地面植被和木本树木的高度对黑枕黄鹂、爪哇八哥、家鸦、东方鹊鸲和黄鹎的栖息地产生积极影响。而木本树木的数量和海拔对亚洲八哥、斑鸠、斑马鸠和八哥的栖息地产生了负面影响。我们的研究结果有助于城市公园的有效管理,考虑林分和景观层面的特征以支持城市生物多样性,最终使居民和候鸟种群受益。我们的研究强调了在城市公园管理中实施土地节约和土地共享策略的重要性。通过这样做,我们可以促进更大的鸟类生物多样性,保护鸟类的多样化栖息地,并在城市景观中建立重要的生态走廊。